
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -LovelyDenial, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Have you ever wondered what people were actually like in real life?

    I have. What are the personalities? The goals and dreams? The JOBS!?

    If you think about it.. What would someone's job choice be if they acted, like they do in KaW, in real life?

    Here is what I think:

    Professional Impersonator.

    If you don't know why, go slap yo self. Noaw.

    Business Mediator.

    He is really good at bringing two people that hate each other together and finding a way for it to work, or for them to at the very least coexist.

    Magazine Photographer.

    His magazine posters are always so.. Ahem.. Eye appealing.



    All his books are so catching and attract a lot of attention, many awards.

    Any Perm in BH:
    A bunch of little girls that will kick your ass.

    Ya know...

    What do you think? Think I'm pretty damn spot on? Or do you think something completely different.

    Disclaimer: it's all perspective and opinion based.

    Except the BH thing. That's true.
  2. Okay this is going to be a funny form
  3. I could really go for some cheetos
  4. I just assume everyone in a student. General demographics of the game would make me right pretty often too.
  5. Hehe well my ass can't be kicked with this nifty spell active :)
  6. So umm...deni I didn't see anything in there about you :/
  7. Can one ever correctly and unbiasely charactorize themself?
  8. I think your a giant stuffed Teddy bear filled with roses and Daisy's and all that girly ****

  9. See. That's funny. Cause I'm a florist. And you named flowers.
  10. lies. i've never helped anyone do anything, ever.
  11. Roni:

    You know. The kind that no one understands so they laugh awkwardly before walking away slowly.

  12. You could be a politician!
  13. haha very funny. deni's job would be the ringmaster in a circus .but kaw related its a circus of freeks. a kaw freek show aka An8
  14. please can someone post the picture for this for denis description job
  15. Where do you see A8? I'm BH, girl. You're funny. Ha. Haha. *walks away*
  16. youve only been in blackhand for a week.you didnt even do the recruit phrase .you popped on your blackhand tags after only a few days in there .
  17. What would I be 
  18. I popped my tags after I was asked by 15 different tagged people where my tags were. And after a council member bought my tags. So..... I was heavily recruited. Thanks for that concern though. Haha hhahaa.. *walks farther away*