BREAKING NEWS: cop found not guilty

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 25, 2014.

    Just now in Ferguson, Missouri the cop who shot and killed a black teen this year was found NOT GUILTY. The state courts decided this this evening in the United States.

    Here is some background on the incident. A white ferguson police officer shot and killed a black teenager while on his routine patrol. After the shooting the whole city went into riots and the POLICE AND THE SHERIFFS had to get involved for weeks to keep the crowds down. The police and sheriffs put on there military vests, helmets, gas masks, and guns.

    Now police are warning everybody to stay inside because riots may break out. The National Guard has already been called in to keep things under control.

    Now discuss.
  2. He's innocent. Good
  3. Support
  4. He wasn't found not guilty ... He was not charged at all for any crime
  5. Once again racial issues are a "cause". Unfortunately I'm a white male, so to everyone I'm either racist, sexist or both. Racism was a problem 50 years ago. It's been 50 years. Move on. The problem is gone and African Americans (see why I had to say it that way?) have the same and often times more opportunities than everyone else.
  6. He was innocent in the first place. He was in fear of his life because they had an altercation in the car and the teen tried to take the officers gun. He was defending himself.
  7. Why do you feel the need to make the "black teenager" seem innocent?

    He was a thug. Plain and simple. One less person mooching off the government.

    Justice Was Served
  8. Please don't make threads if you have no idea what you are talking about.

    The officer was never on trial so he could not be found guilty (or not guilty for that matter).

    If you don't understand what it means that the Grand Jury failed to deliver and indictment, please refrain from spewing your ignorance of the legal system all over the message boards.
  9. Couldn't have said it better
  10. no surprise..
  11. I honestly thought he was innocent. He was doing his job when the kid decided to go for the gun on the officers belt. The officer was just defending himself
  12. Always good to see straight up racism on display so that folks like poor dys there don't have to think that everyone's crazy thinking it exists. Thanks pup!
  13. amen
  14. The evidence was conflicting. They made the right choice.
  15. "He was a thug."

    You knew him personally? Dang.
  16. Don't wanna be shot....don't punch a cop in the face and try to take his gun.

    I think I knew that in kindergarten.

    Glad Wilson wasn't indicted.

    Pants up. Don't loot.
  17. Whoohoo! Now we'z gotta reason to break windows, yell, and loot stores! Because looting and vandalizing is how we do. 
  18. No last post
  19. And your assuming all blacks are african..