2014 Black Friday Suggestions

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Seth, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. If you have any suggestions, please wall or PM me, and I'll add it to this post

    2014 KaW Black Friday Sale

    Here is a list of community suggestions for a Black Friday sale for KaW 2014:
    • Sales on Seals of the Damned and Horns of Calydor
    • Sales on Health Crystals and Nobility
    • Sales on Pro Packs
    • Exclusive Black Friday Pro Pack
    • Allow Building Token to be purchased for Nobility
    • Reduced prices for land purchases, building purchased, and building upgrades
    • Sale on Mithril

    Hope Devs give this a read, and take it into consideration :)
  2. Reserved
  3. I'm gonna buy advanced warfare.
  4. Discount on Seals and Horns!
  5. Here is, in my opinion, a fair compromise for those who want free items, and those who wish to have their money go farther.

    For spenders/developers:
    50% more on nobility and crystal purchases

    For non-spenders/all:
    1-2 free crystals or 10-20 free nobility Edit: After hearing more people suggesting hire amounts I would recommend 3 and 30 respectively.
    1-2 Crux chests

    This combination should allow everyone to walk away happy as everyone gets a bit of what they want.
  6. Better idea...go spend your money on something tangible instead of handing it over to ATA for useless crap on a low end MMO. Go buy a decent game if nothing else.
  7. Sounds cool
  8. ATA gets rich because your all ignorant consumers willing to waste your money on nothing. Bet they laugh at you while they line their pockets with your money
  9. I'm all for the 50% more nob and xtals. That means buying one 75$ non pack (usd), instead of getting 765, you would be getting 1,148, which is equivalent to 19 seals (without discount) and if you (devs) do a 50% seals and horn sale again, you'll be able to buy 39 seals at the minimum
  11. Me too. I don't agree with the free stuff, because Black Friday is about spending on discounts, not getting free stuff. Save that for Christmas.
  12. Have you noticed that since the little quote button has appeared, everyone uses it for everything now?
  13. No idea what your talking about. *whistles*

  14. Can't believe you people are having a serious conversation about buying pretend things with real money...no hope for the human race. Get lives people. 
  15. Please cease from responding to this thread for harrassment of ALL people. Further replies = report.
  16. I was thinking 5 free xtals. Just for the heck of it. They're quite expensive.
  17. lol OP is a attention whore when someone bumps a thread about black friday this noob posts.

  18. Hell to the no on buying building tokens wtf lmao  thats literally buying your growth. Support to discounts on oracle purchases and whatnot tho
  19. Uhmm, I don't think you know what happened exactly though bud. Op was talking on the 2013 Black Friday thread and it was locked, someone said to create another thread for this year and op has done so, that was incorrect what you said there