So we've heard no change to mith drops, no to discounted lands and buildings. We HAVE heard that SoD and HTE will be featured. The big question is WHEN? Just an approximation please!
You guys are in Vancouver, maybe ill take some time to visit. I never even knew i lived in the same city as devs
Are we gonna have a Black Friday this year? Bumping this so we have suggestions for this years Black Friday if we have one
That! or for a limited time add a black banner to the most expensive ProPack with sweet spy bonuses. I'm talking 25% spy attack and def. that'd be sweet!
For spenders/developers: 50% more on nobility and crystal purchases For non-spenders/all: 1-2 free crystals or 10-20 free nobility 1-2 Crux chests This combination should allow everyone to walk away happy as everyone gets a bit of what they want.
✅Myth sale ✅seal of dammed sale ✅Xtal sale ✅no limit on xtal use per eb and for the day or weekend️
[quote="xJABx] DISCOUNT ON EVERYTHING! IT'S BLACK FRIDAY![/quote] Yes! Listen to this person! - Lands - Seals - Upgrades - The whole lot. - (I don't understand what Black Friday is; just that it means discounts)