Starfall Event Update

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. If you buy token nothing happens, you can sell it. You have to buy and cast spell. I tested it on my alt
  2. I'm evolving my theory......

    Imagine all the cool **** we are going to get from this event, and the EB program students will not.

    I forecast in a week there will be very upset EB program students who feel they should be able to get some complimentary equipment because it isn't fair, yo.

    "Why iz fiters getz kewl stuf and we dint? I wanz somes two."

    Whateva. That opt out spell should turn their name into an easily identifiable rainbow color.
  3. This has probably been mentioned but I am far too lazy to read thru 16 pages:

    Is there anyway that devs can take people who have opted out off the bl?
  4. Thank you devs for finally making a pvp event! It's been a blast and most players I know enjoy it -- couple of suggestions for next time:
    1. If ppl opt-out they don't show on BL
    2. If ppl opt-out they can't hire allies (fixes some of the abuse while allowing players ability to grow)
    3. Fix sh glitch for promo -- you spent a year attempting to fix in EE and just brought it back with promo -- most ppl are not concerned with this atm bc they are happy to have pvp back but is a potential issue if pvp events increase and will encourage ppl to opt-out or to not spend bc rewards will only go to sh
    4. For longer pvp promos have ability to opt-out for set periods. Ex. If promo lasts a month have ability to opt-out for 2nd week in case RL gets in way.
    Overall great job listening to community and giving them what they've asked for. Please make some changes so this stays fun for large segments since that is what has made it so great -- mass participation.
  5. Support for rainbow.
  6. Yaaaaaaaa way to go on making a war game with an opt-out option... Gotta baby those eb seal buying fairys 
  7. New thread of opt out list. Please put names you see 
  8. While you're at it can you throw in REAL WAR BANNERS?
  9. REALLY?

    It shouldn't be that they can't get hit at all, thats complete rubbish. It should be that they'd give normal plunder and no shards. Its kingdoms at war. If this game wasnt turned into money hungry eb **** then this is what they'd normally expect in their newsfeed. But what about our personal farms right now??? They can just opt out and we can't even hit the people we are 1vs1 because they don't want to PVP in Kingdoms at "WAR".

    You gave us something great devs, and now you've taken it from us.
  10. Well done devs good response
  11. UP THE REWARDS NOW!!!! Now its harder to find targets. Rewards should be better!!
  12. Good point i support
  13. Haha willy i agree 100%
  14. Putting aside the "farming for the sake of farming" mentality, this would be nice.
  15. Booooo!! Not only should opt-out's lose all shards and not be able to participate in wars, they should not be able to participate in eb's either. And we real players of Kingdoms at WAR would like to see a hall of shame listing of all who opt out.
  16. Called battle list
  17. I've found 4 kingdoms opted out already while carrying a fortuna blade. Devs, you should have made the opt out not work while carrying a blade. This removes many current blades from the event.
  18. Can we remove people who've opted out from the battle list?
  19. Dtw
    Oh look not dtw… freaking tank :(
  20. Hmm, accidentally double posted and wouldn't let me delete second post