upcoming events

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by llIIIll_Fuze_llIIIll, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Just a heads up...if you're going to ***** at me for not putting a lot of effort into thread. Don't read it because it won't contain a lot of effort.

    Next time you do a pvp event devs, PLS make it available to opt out for those of us who don't want to participate. This stupid ass event has put a halt to everyone's growing pretty much, with the exception of lb (the ones you love) and with the new lands coming out soon, why devs? This event was terribly planned, and a waste of everyone's time, the equipment sucks, like alway, the only reason people are participating in this event is for the xtals and the pvp bonus as a reward. Nothing else. The only reason you (the devs ) probably did this is because it's a good way to raise the crystal purchases in game. Most people probably didn't know that or are just feeding into the game and buying them anyways. For somebody without pots, or new people just coming into the game, this is a terrible event (I have pots and I'm not new) you wanted to make the newer people feel welcomed and try to expand your player base, try again because this completely sucked
  2. My stats are trash and I'm loving this event.
  3. Correction*

    Devs confirmed no new lands
  4. There is no opt out option for EB events. I don't want that fairy stuff filling up my profile.
  5. New lands have not been discussed in any way my developers.
  6. Would ruin the fun. Many people would "opt out". Much more fun if you can hit anyone. Self-Pin and Bank if you don't want to be a part of this.

    Say that to the people who are loving this event(The majority of KaW) and the people who have been begging devs for this

    Same with ebs isn't it?

    Pretty sure people know this. Also don't need to buy xtals to be apart of the event

    Exposing them to how game should be played and adding more people to do osw/pvp
  7. Kingdoms at WAR.
  8. I'll support opting out, if once you have opted out you can't hit eb till event is over.
  9. This event is kingdoms at pin, who can stay dtw the longest
  10. I wrote something that made no sense.

  11. You already chose to opt in. There was an optionī€Ž you downloaded the app.