why can no body's pen me but how do I make ze gud guld ?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by *llIIl-_-IIIlKrotalIIl-_-llIlI (01), Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Hi I is new to this game kalled kindoums @ wawr buts I want to know how to make a good gold (like 1 mil per hour) and how to PVP like swag. Also how can I please take over kaw. I mean any tips well be appreshiatid. Also I will be taking over the kaworld soon so you better be scared. Spragga try's to reset me but no I fyte and he die. Soon all the great clan of the realmz will be bou to me so if u  wantz your kingdom to not be raided by me you must surrender on this thread and post on my wall that you respect me udderwise sorry I will be destroying your kingdom and all yore villagers. Thank you and good bye. Also what is the best eb to make sum gud money at my size ? Thank you
  2. if you want to pretend to be a newb, don't mention things you could only know if you had been around awhile.

    your kungfu is weak.
  3. Use the castle code, and worship kaw_creative

    Creative is love creative is life
  4. How dare you to call me a noob ? You want to go m8 I will leterally pen you all day every day and I will have top playas on you. You wanna go then I can go but u will be very sorry
  5. woah woah woah. calm down bruh. i didn't say you were a noob.

    i said your kungfu was weak.
  6. M8 I learn my skill from top playas so no it's is not week but if you want to test you can fyte me. But I warn you to post on this thread and ask for my mercies otherwise you will be sorry and you will wake up and you kingdom will be destroid so think on that
  7. Follow the bro code and smoke weed everyday
  8. hey man. i don't doubt your kaw skills. did i ever say i doubted your kaw skills?

    but your kungfu? weak.
  9. Wordwaster if I were you I would apologies before this gets ugly o_O
  10. ^kirby was always the better pokemon.
  11. I have already taken over the KAW world, so you gonna have to dethrone me...good luck sugar cinnamon star fruit caramel apple pie.

    *Hits blunt*

    If a building is already built why is it called a building?
  12. #noeffortthread
    No support
    Pls leave forums
  13. M8 u wanna go den go but on my throne I will not spear you and I will make you bow and humiliate you so sorry but bye
  14. Sasuke I know that to be false as creative said I am the most superior Pokemon
  16. Oh nos I has no responds correctly but anyways I do no care because I have mlg swag so bye bye nubs and bow to meh
  17. 1/10 troll attempt.
  18. U may have think u have good rating skills but no and no I will not fyte u but if u wanna fyte I will go and u will be sorry I will say bye hye to you and you run. Also you will try surrender to me but no you will be destroid
  19. No one actually speaks like that. Not even 12 year olds playing cod think that much overuse of intentional "MLG" misspellings and slang is cool.
  20. Actually English is none my 1st languig so no you is wrong and make fun of my English skill but no you will pay for that so sorry and bye see you around the kaworld