Should the U.S. gov be overthrown?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Aries, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. I fully support your post.

    You are what you make of yourself. Not your race or skin color or sexuality or whatnot.
  2. YES!!! Yes it should.
  3. Move to Canada we have like 6 political parties.
  4. Go Conservatives!
  5. I prefer a parlament system
  6. Support to what Pup-Devil said to Frog. There's no doubt that racism is alive and well in the world today but just because a person doesn't agree with Obama's actions does not make them a racist. You are sounding racist yourself by classifying all whites who oppose Obama as racist. What about the minorities who oppose Obama?
  7. Canada sounds like and awesome place I see 
    In germany we have unlimited political parties and 7 of them are worth mentioning. 

    Anyone can start a political party here. When you hit the 5% mark from votings, it's an official political party.

    Everything that doesn't hurt others or is racist is allowed. Hell we even have a animal rights party at 2% voters
  8. Did someone say party?! 
  9. The problem with presidential candidates from independent parties is that they're excluded from the presidential debates. Only the democratic and republican candidates are permitted to participate. Mainstream media does its best to eliminate the other parties from gaining support. The system is flawed. Americans need to go out of their way to become educated on politics if we want to have a better country. We can't use one source of news for all of our information.
  10. Polarized politics serves nobody fully.
    Its us vs them mentality n hardly the answer.
    Jesse Ventura has it right but its all meaningless if the ppl don't care to change
  11. @lara

    I believe you can also create your own political party in Canada also however the main 3 are the ndp, conservatives, liberals with the Quebec party who I can not recall how to spell their name at the moment and then there is the Green Party also having a seat or to in the House of Commons.
  12. I think we all know that a "president" is mearly a puppet of the shadow government. Is it a coincidence that the Illuminati and the declaration of independence were formed at the same time in 1776
  13. 4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions!
  14. Then why not vote neither party?
  15. It is NOT the party structure which is broken.

    It is the fact that both parties have been usurped by a more powerful force. And it is only by seeing that the first attempt failed that you can see it was brought about by people from BOTH "parties" of the system. I put parties in quotes because I don't believe we have a two party system anymore only a single party which maintains two masks in the form of a Democratic and Republican Party. Evidence of the real cooperation between these two fronts for the same agenda is plain to see except for folks who fall for their rhetoric about varies emotional issues which have little bearing upon the vast majority of most American's lives (gun control, abortion, gay marriage, sex education).

    The actual issues which effect 90% of us don't see the front page of the papers-- so 700b was lent by George B to the banks (that sounds like socialism not republican) and then Obama in his first year of office does nothing to bring to justice the executives at the banks but rather maintains the banks abilities to start vast foreclosures on properties which are only underwater because of the banks halting making any loans.

    The result is now through the actions of membership from both parties we have virtually all the wealth within the hands of few.

    During obamas watch he signed a bill immunizing companies from any liability for GMOs but Bush did the same with Tort reform.

    The keystone of the entire plot is made evident from a look at the Supreme Court case that passed without notice 3 years ago and deprived every single person in the United States from any access to the civil judicial system (that's right NO judge NO jury and NO appeal for any of the grievances you wish to pursue against any company) and the best part is the decisions of such grievances will be secret. Read the decision of Conception v AT
  16. Putin loves Russia, where do you get your lies from?
  17. It's easy to tell you are racist.
  18. Actually I think he was being anti-racist but took a shot at christanity??