Cosa Nostra - recruiting.

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by TheNeo, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Maybe I'll be coming back after all.

    Good to see some old names on this thread.

    Tornado aka Red. Looking good buddy. You ****** my **** up in our 1v1. Taught me quite a bit. Glad to see you still around here.

    For those of you who don't know me. Good. That's how I want to start over.

    **** is going down mother fuckers
  2. Seriously?
    That's gonna be all RP between Ahdy n you, i am considering not joining now :))
    Tough decision....
    Those EB are so silky smooth... Sigh...
  3. Support for a good clan!
  4. Congratulations to Ahdragos for being #mancrushmonday
  5. I am my #mancrushmonday
  6. Wow! My fav AhDragos.
    Long time no see mate.
  7. To all the old friends and new ones, thanks for the support.
  8. Always will support, Ahdy
  9. Was only a matter of time. Old names and great experiences .Welcome back and good luck.
  10. Support to my awesome Family. Also, Ahdy needs unicorn rp on his wall
  11. Honestly there's not enough new players coming into KaW. Harder for a start up to really grow if your not doing HTE or got something to offer sadly.
  12. We do offer something. We cover a much needed niche in KaW
  13. We offer a rerun of KaW 2009.
  15. Kicking ass like it's 2010. Slowly building up and getting a trickle of new recruits daily.
  16. We're all troublemakers here. And family.
  17. Havent heard of Ahdy? U havent been playin long enough
  18. Great idea. I've thought of doing this myself, but decided I just do not want to run clans anymore. Anyways, good luck with the clan. There is still a lot of the old players lurking about.