Why was this even implemented?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Resilient_xM3rcy, Nov 19, 2014.

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  1. That is only a hand full (if that) of the forumers that help create forums, with very few threads actually being created by them, the heart of forums are everyday normal players, everyone has at least one good thread worth updating. After 5mins.
  2. At the least ata could give the original forums owner rights to change his/her thread.
  3. I hope you're trolling...

    One form of abuse that I can think of (and that I've used before) is bypassing then editing your post before a mod sees it.
  4. Id like to add to that, with suggestions

    - Op gets the ability to lock thread
    - edit any and all posts within that thread everyone else has 5mins.
    - Threads can only be made with more than 255 characters (letters / symbols)
    - signature at the bottom of the original post for all devices
  5. Same issue before the change. No difference now. Issue has already been addressed.
  6. I hope it was an oversight in coding when they activated the ability to edit from your device, but here are the obvious changes that will now occur...

    - THIS WILL DEGRADE THE QUALITY OF FORUMS. Quality forumers will no longer have the ability to update and better their forum posts.

    - THIS WILL INCREASE THE WORKLOAD FOR SUPPORT. Just a heads up, I will email you daily to fix something, and if you don't, I will farm you.

    - THIS WILL INCREASE THE WORKLOAD FOR THE CURRENT MODERATION TEAM. Content that can normally be requested to be altered will not be able to be changed...forcing them to request a scrub.

    I don't see a positive side to it. Total support Mango.
  7. After some discussion we're going to open up editing and remove the 5 minute restriction, however we reserve the right to reimplement the limit in the future should it end up being abused.

    We've also updated the mobile forum theme to indicate if a post has been edited at the bottom much like the PC forums do.
  8. Nice change!! Has to be one of the quickest updates Kaw has rolled out.
  9. Nice! Wow, was wondering what that little message under a players thing was. Thanks kaw_com!
  10. The good thing about the 5 minute rule is that you can quickly edit your post if you accidentally bypassed.
  11. Support.
    No Edit limit!
  12. If I recall, devs can view all edits of posts fir review regardless.
  13. I don't think you should get rid of the 5-min limit entirely.
    Change it so that ONLY the first post can be changed at any time, so that people making guides and other such threads can update them as time progresses.

    And to the players that post multiple times for a guide like Wulf, they use a PC anyways.

    Only downside it that you can't use "Reserved" posts on mobile, but I think that only the original post should be able to be edited.
  14. Dragonite-
    That's why you quickly edit your message if you ACCIDENTALLY bypassed - it would suck to get silenced because of a mistype of misautocorrect.
  15. I agree with you, I dislike this change.
  16. This would effectively kill my stories.
  17. I agree mango. I wonder if it was done because constant editing resulted in technical problems of some sort. I can't imagine the devs seeing this as advantageous.

    On the other hand, someone like skinnyMinny might come along, make a whole bunch of crude slanderous comments, then try to erase the evidence.
  18. I don't see the problem with that. You could edit without restriction via PC at all times before the new forum layout.

    Glad you all listened. This was a good decision IMO.
  19. And that's why you allow mods and devs to see the edited content, so they can check after they see a bunch of players' posts about those comments, Frog.

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