Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by knockonheavensdoor_1967, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. hmmm... i may support this after i'm hlbc... i was so damn close before lvl4 hl. i think i will go postal if they do that to me again, as i am just a few ugs from hlbc "again"... *sigh*
  2. First-I never understood the argument about 'gaps getting bigger'. New buildings/lands won't increase the gap beyond where it already is...it's just that gap will be reflected in raw stats as opposed to bfa where it is right now. Therefore argument is invalid.

    Second-devs...I think given all the 'talk' around some sort of upgrade coming, coupled with the blatant signs associated with your promo that 'something' is coming..(building tokens, plunder bonuses, etc), you should probably confirm or deny the rumors.

    Personally, I think the more raw stats that are available, the lower the gap will eventually get. People can chase a goal they can see objectively (ie raw stats).

    So I fully support the concept of new lands/buildings/upgrades, etc. Any or all of the above.
  3. 1) There will always be a gap with bigger and smaller players, get used to it.
    2) It will not discourage pvp. You can pvp while growing. Hit others and save up gold in Bronze Bars. There goes your upgrade money. Anyways most players that pvp don't care much about growing, they care about hitting others, only growing to increase thier hit range
  4. Great idea mate!
  5. Support.. and i think this is why devs increased token deadline till 28th
  6. Yeah!! Let's make the gap even bigger!
  7. Deafmonkey! :)
  8. Or you mean you are just one of the lazy ass smaller players that wants to HFBC in a day but doesn't actively hitting or buying those seals?
  9. No support. Only because it will ruin the flow.
    LL=lv3. HL=lv4. HF=lv5
  10. Doubt it, unless they do it on the 20th, any later to many people will miss out since the coins end on the 21st at 12
  11. Support ... As long as the stats isnt as shitty as lvl 4
  12. No support we don't need new buildings