[RESOLVED] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 18, 2014.

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  1. Update 11/19
    Kingoms at War v1.72 for iOS is now available and resolves this issue.

    Hello everyone,

    We were just made aware of a bug with Kingdoms at War on iOS 8.1.1 which Apple released yesterday. This causes players to be unable to view other lands. We're working on getting a fix submitted to Apple for approval as soon as possible.

    At this time we encourage all of those who haven't updated to iOS 8.1.1 to hold off for the time being. If you have already updated, you can use the web version of Kingdoms at War to manage your kingdom.

    For those of you with Building Tokens, we're going to be extending the expiration date until November 28th at 12:00PM PST.
  2. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    I hope people have learned by now to turn off the auto update...

    Thanks for the heads up
  3. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    Devs, you've never addressed the concerns with building tokens for HFBC players, who cannot use the tokens. Are you going to let build complete kingdom's tokens just expire?

    Also, asking players to hold on security updates from trusted device manufacturers is horrible support advice, leaving your customers vulnerable.

    Perhaps if ATA tested KaW on the developer beta build of iOS 8.1.1, this wouldn't happen.
  4. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    While you're fixing bugs, check into the problem with forum posts hanging or erroring out before getting a confirmation.

    Oh.. And work on the battle list/osw PvP update from January 28th, 2014 you guys promised. You know, the roadmap update that you said was "too hard to code"? Well, you're coding racing games, but cant code pvp drops for off system war, with all the money we funnel to you...
  5. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

  6. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

  7. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    Support 
  8. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    Does everyone get the extension on building tokens or just this accounts on ios
  9. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    And will we have anything to use the building tokens on in that extra week?
  10. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    Updated and fiefdom is gone. 
  11. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    ha that's why i waited. Atleast on my iphone 5s. However my 4s i upgrade
  12. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    What about the crux chests? Are their use also extended?
  13. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    *sigh* of course I have to be one of THOSE people who updates immediately as they see it, blind to the bugs that may be coming with said update... Oh well! As long as it gets fixed quickly!
  14. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    THIS...THIS IN SO MANY WAYS. Devs. no offence but it is your responsability to fix the bugs if you want to keep people playing REGARDLESS iOS. Asking people to hold on updates from ANOTHER company is just as bad as if another random app said "hold on updates from KAW cause it causes bugs on us" plainly stupid.
  15. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

  16. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    Issue fixed. Yay.
  17. Re: [ISSUE] iOS 8.1.1 Unable to Change Lands

    Sorry delete the first post didn't mean to spam
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