Problem with new forum layout

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by mastercy, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Just a minor annoyance with the new forum layout that I figured I'd mention. Ever since the change in the forum layout, when I go to a sub forum such as "strategy", and click back it will bring me back to the screen that gives me choice of "forums", "active topics", "search", and "about." I'd like the back button to take me to the screen that I can chooses a sub forum and clicking back again would bring me back to original forum screen. As I said this is not a major issue but rather a minor inconvenience which should nevertheless be fixed.

    As an aside, one other issue in the forums that should be tweaked is when I go to a webpage that someone posted and click back I am brought back to the kaw homepage instead of the forum homepage. This too is annoying and should b fixed.
  2. Also this new colour -.-
  3. I prefer it going back to AT
  4. Agreed narwhal.
  5. Talk bout white people problems.
  6. Can't please everyone Huh?
  7. He did say this is just a small problem.

    Also, I think a big problem is the screen cutoff on iOS devices when you hit a certain amount of lines in a normal post.
    I hope that gets fixed.
  8. Phoenix I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. I have not experienced such a problem it could be you're using older hardware or older version of iOS. I use 5th gen ipod running iOS 8.1 and have never had the issue you described.
  9. No support
  11. Will there ever be a united kaw where everybody is pleased with the work the devs put in? Sure they ignore some bloody good ideas but ppl chill out seriously :p