new lands rumour?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by renamed1124, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. True story
  2. RUMOR!! NOT rumour, damn dude. Have some honor and don't "color me pretty" with this "OUr" trash. Thanks /end rant
  3. This was bugging me as well.
    Also, OP, where'd this rumor come from? I never heard about it.
  4. When ya type fast, **** happens.
  5. Don't you mean:
  6. Theatre. Ah yes, English spelling
  7. I am more interested in larger gaps.

    I believe gaps can only make the game BETTER.

    Why try to crunch everyone together and let them catch up? Why not have tons of large mid sections so theres more people of all different sizes and more flexibility throughout the game instead of the boring clan rosters filled with hfbc builds in lb clans and war clans. BORING
  8. I do believe they cut prices on buildings in the highlands, but not land cost.
  9. Uhmm I dont know if im stating the obvious but... No such rumour to my knowledge....
  10. Or maybe, just think, hes from a different country where they spell it different...

  11. Don't panic, man don't panic.
    Don't panic, man don't panic.
    New lands ain't comin'
    So, don't panic.
  12. I used both spellings, Rumor and Rumour are correct spellings. They have a problem with that.

  14. I won't mind I have 3 lands and 20 buildings to bc on hf
  15. I'm only 3,000ish on the overall lb and I'm hfbc so probably more hfbc than you think
  16. The power of HTE....
  17. A rumour with no evidence is less than a rumour. Call it a fabrication
  18. That's deep man.
  19. No. Rumors only spread on Tuesdays.
  20. We do not need more lands we where fine with just Highlands.