what you would like to see from devs next

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SaDiStIC-KilLa-_LoCkIe_-BeAr, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. So this idea came to me in the bath, anyway most of us at one time or another have experienced the frustrating joy of an ally being reset on us. Well here's my idea if you have an ally reset on you devs automatically cast a spell that starts on you when you log in "the spirit of the fallen" which would give you 4x plunder from attacks n so forth for a limited time making the length of spell depending on the price of the ally giving us an opportunity to recoup alot more of the gold lost from the reset. What do you guys think doe's it have promise?
  2. Yes please
  3. I would like to see spy banners. And support to Tepoztecati's ideas.
  4. Guys can you try put what you like to see in the items ie spy banners starting stats of 400k att and defense level 2 600k and so on. Just maybe if we spell it out they may pay attention like tepos
  5. Re: xxx

    I just like to see better all around that you not have to run  to the market to win or to get good eq an smaller players not have to spend there lunch money lol ️to all
  6. More in-depth you say okay, I want a nuke button that leaves my owners kingdom looking like 1945 and an electric shock open nothing too deadly just 40,000 volts otta do it not that I have problem's with my owner

  7. Lol please , don't give them any more ideas 

  8. This sounds nice but ruins the point of reset bombs, unless you're referring to inactive allies being reset.
  9. 1) make an alt
    2) hire alt with main
    3) reset alt
    4) max xtal on hte with 4x spell and gold crux plunder and reg crux active
    5) repeat
  10. This is definitely an issue that can be sorted, and worth the devs attention.
    Your suggestion seems reasonably, imo dev deleted accounts should just reimburse the max value that a dropped ally normally would refund.

    Everyone still would lose the 35% (?) from what they paid when hiring. there should be a risk involved for those who choose not to put the extra effort in while shopping.

    or, the devs could also take into account the last time the ally was hired also before deleting. Dont delete accounts that were hired in the last 15 days. seriously, its almost such a simple solution its hard to even understand why this problem exsit.
  11. We should collect pieces of santa.... I GOT HIS HEAD!
  12. WAR CRYSTALS!!!!
  13. A massive war.
  14. I'd like to see the ability to buy seals with gold
  15. Hunt with zero equipment prizes. Mithril/aqua/inferno/banner materials/gold rewards only.

    Fix PVP to where hitting battle list or random kingdoms have a percentage ability to lose whatever hunt item it is. Mithril/material shards or whatever. Devs "claim" its too hard to code this, but I call BS as the game funnels thousands of dollars to ATA each hunt. They can find someone to code it if they think its too hard to code.

    At the end of long hunt, say 1 month, materials combine for kingdom use.
  16. Id like to see banter
  17. Something that isnt an event.
  18. 20 trillion in gold bars free seals and and i will get back to you on the rest,,,,,,,,
  19. God there are some stupid people in this game any clown with half a brain knows I'm referencing allies that are reset by development.