Who remembers?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by TFE_Longboarddude44_TFE, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Hi everyone who remembers me? Im a comedian of the forums and im so funny the mods r mean to me. Who agrees that im funny and the mods r mean to me?
  2. No one
  3. Go eat your poo
  4. I do. You were hilarious back when you said that stuff.
  6. No eat ur poo I know rubber ur glue it sticks to u and fight me
  7. Like minds tend to think alike.

    Op, you're an idiot.
  8. Shots.

  9. [text=200] I honestly don't even remember who you are[/text]
  10. Code:
    [size=25 to 200]text[/size]
  11. Idk who you are but it's easy to tell you suck
  12. Don't remember you at all