Hey guys, Recently I started "playing the ally game" if you will. Now I'm learning, there is a LOT of inactive allies. There's a couple ways to find active allies, but here's a little idea, not sure if original or not, but here goes. Ally Sort Button Now the way this would work, is when you click your allies page, and find more players. It automatically searches for the amount of gold you have right now. Well.. Why can't you be a bit more specific with your search? Why not have it function as say, the BL does. Putting those active within last 20 mins first. Or you can redefine the search by choosing which stats you'd like to search for, etc attack, mix, or spy heavy. (I emailed this to devs and they told me to post it on forums) Now this seems like a simple input and fix to me, and I'd like to hear any input/suggestions on this. X
Or I could just not be so lazy when ally trading, the system is fine. The common idiots that accidentally hire inactives that I have from osw are needed. It's part of the fun
Support!! The ally market page needs a huge overhaul. It gives little information. And another idea, have it show what clan the ally is in like the BL page does
Two types of people. One that just likes to criticize... And one that actually thinks about the idea...
Tis a wonderful idea... So it will be ignored... I'm all for it though, I'm being super cereal, and it would cause many issues with the ally hoarders of the leaderboard so I'm doubly onboard with this
No support as it will make ally trading so much easier. More noobs will start ally trading which will cut into my profits.
This idea is actually horrible. Most simply because there are thousands of inactive BFA fillers which are perfect for warring players/those who just want the stats rather than to trade which will just get thrown on the wayside and be impossible to find by those players. BFA fillers are excellent for some people and in some cases all that people look for. Secondly, cue mass inflation of active allies now that those are the only ones being seen. This most definitely isn't needed and actually detrimental. If you know what kinds of pricings to search or even simply just where to look for actives, avoiding inactives is the easiest thing you'll ever do. This being implemented doesn't affect the LB in any way. They'll still unconditionally whack you after hiring back, and will still keep their allies 3-400b underpriced from market value. All you end up doing is frustrating yet more people searching for actives by showing the same few LB owned ones that people wont be buying.
There's a simple way to check activity, look at their wall , and current clan, check their participation in recent ebs, if those don't give you an awnser, follow them and wait till they follow back, if your going to invest a large sum into them, it only makes sense to take your time, and do your research before hand
Btw there is a forum in strategies called somethin like KaW ally list (no commas) find your price, copy, paste. BOOM almost all allies are active on the page. You're welcome
I have a similar idea that id like to share on your thread, hope you dont mind. Checking the activity of an account isnt so much difficult, but it is a bit of an annoying hassle. For many players all they may really care to know is if the account is atleast active enough, was recently active, and that a dev arent going to be deleting the ally they may hire. Also we dont want to expose any specific information on any account's activity that is in an osw. *The addition of a three color activity reference code* This quick glance reference would be visible when veiwing the ally market page and profiles. Listed accounts veiwed from the market would have a boarder around their tile with one of three colors. Profile pages banner tile would have a boarder with on of the three colors. -Green (last 15/20 days has completed/logged an action on kaw) -Yellow (30-60 days since last login) -Red (Account marked as inactive. deletion, high possibility) *all variables are just examples. Thats pretty much it. This idea isnt intended to do the shopping for you. You would still have to check walls, eb history/ect, to find the ideal allies. Nor are we trying to give specific details on players activity. This idea is just to quickly identify accounts that arent abandoned.
Mango has said what I would have done. Anyone who supports this suggestion simply has no idea. Hunting for decent allies is part of what its all about anyway. By putting it on a plate you massively reduce your own chances of a bargain. So...no support.
I am a hardcore ally trader (retired atm), and I must say that this would RUIN the ally market. There would be no underpriced allies anymore, no diversity. Great idea, but all my hardwork would go to ****-and not regular ****, I mean like big, large, chunky horse ****.