New Forum Layout

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 1, 2014.


What do you think of the update?

  1. Awesome

    57 vote(s)
  2. Meh

    32 vote(s)
  3. Life Changing

    38 vote(s)
  1. Search button crashed kaw for me. Help?
  2. Wrong thread noob, good series tho!
  3. Add the padding/margin...
  4. Thanks :D
  5. Oo how do you make that vote ?

    Teach me please O mighty devs

    Although I would like a unlimited time to edit posts
  6. When i click on search it force closes kaw. So i voted meh
  7. The search is just like computer, you can s each for user who posted or certain words in a thread. Quite a nice addition to mobile forums :)

  8. I know what its for numpty.. but when i try kaw crashes
  9. I dont like the small text while u look for threads
  10. Get a better device then
  11. Did you got the last update for KaW?
  12. Update the silly app in Play store. They sent an update today to resolve this ;)
  13. OK something changed as well. So earlier threads started by KAW Admins would have their name displayed in red on the front page where you have the name of the thread starter displayed. Now it is all gray like the average Joes. It will be helpful to locate which threads are started by Admins and Forums Mods when you see the name below the title displayed in Red(Admins) or Green(Mods). Can we go back to getting it incorporated again?
  14. Hey, how come we can't see if the poster is a VK or mod now?
  15. Digging it Devs. Thanks :)

  16. Much better.eye pleasing easier to use.great work devs.
  17. I have been unsuccessful at replicating the search problem that some users are reporting.

    Search works perfectly well for me!
  18. A real positive development that's long overdue . Let's hope there's more to come on pvp and general kaw admin.