Yes, because its greedy for people who spend hard earned money on this game to ask for a little extra time to open our boxes so we feel more inclined to keep spending money on seals and xtals and nob to support the devs lavish life style. What's wrong with us. *sarcasm was used here*
Sorry kakashi but yes you are being greedy. Your reaction to getting free stuff is to moan on about wanting to get even more free stuff! That is the epitome of greed! I have to laugh. I havent even been close to being in a position where my animus boxes are stacking but here are people getting more free stuff than me, and so much free stuff every single day, that they cant access it all, and they WHINGE!? Jesus christ, no wonder the world is in such a mess.
Mr kaw, could you consider increasing the cap of the xstal to 48 or remove the chest expire date? Because some already have over 8 chest and won't be able to make the most of these chest =3
Free? I hot EBs using my time. I domt see where free comes in at. Not like they just give it to ya for having an acct and i have already bought two keys to make sure i can open all my boxes by tomorrow, and i can so long as i dont recieve another. Its more of the point that this was not the case with the crux chests or the golden crux chests but with the following event they get greedy. And as much money as we spend on nob for seals and such and xtals its just ridiculous now we have to spend more money to FULLY enjoy the benefots of an event that is suppose to be thank the loyal customers for their support in funding the game and the peoples checks at ATA. If you go to school try to attend a few business management classes and you'll start understand what im talking about, this ia jist poor business for the long term, even though advantageous for the short term.
Wow ATA sign this guy up, he sounds like a real business pro! You dont have to spend a dime to get things out of this promo. That you have spent money on keys suggests that their business model is working nicely too. This promo is a reward for loyal customers? I didn't notice that being said anywhere? I thought this promo was to help maximise revenue from the game because, like, ATA are a company and want to grow? How silly of me. You think you should get something just because you hit ebs in your spare time? Thats funny. And yes they do drop for 'free' as you dont need to do anything that you weren't doing before the promo started to get one. As for the go back to school part, well thats just a clear sign that your entire argument is a great big ball of fail. Now go and spend some more money on kaw whilst telling the devs that they have got their business model wrong
Thanks for changing the rules during this item hunt it has saved me spending another £50 on nobility as I now have no chance of finishing in the top 1000 even if I open my 20 plus animbus boxs. Wish I never entered this event now. Devs are making this game worse again & again.can you leave a link so my legal advisers can reach you. Ty
Actually people do it all the time , its this magically thing we call bussiness customer relationship if one doesnt seem to be treating you right you move on to the next ex. If one grocery stores fruit seems to be not fresh or bit pricey you go to the one that is.
While i spent the money to open the two chests doesnt mean i wanted to willingly and happily, followed by regret cuz it was nothinf but crux chests. I'd rather have gotten limbs. I only spent cuz ive got jack the whole time. Was hoping to get something decent but eh im not too surprised i didnt. As for it proving their business model is working, not necessarily, there are many more who will not spend the money to open em and two dollars is the extent I'm spending on the event, 20 dollars a month for seals is more than enough. And yes with most business you repay your customers for supporting and keeping the company alive, it's kind of like a thank you. But ive only been learning from a man, since i was 5(20 yrs now), who managed businesses for 40 yrs, owned a park(shut it down cuz a certain ethnicity of people kept trying to sue him, not cuz it went under.), and owns a bar, so what would i know about business.
I personally think we should have unlimited keys for the event. I have a few boxes that I can't open before the end of the event unless I pay for to open them
They should at least give you as much time to open the boxes as it takes them to give you your silly prizes.
Oh this is great. To everyone threatening to leave kaw because of this promo, I'll see you running the exact same moans on the next promo thread. I really dont know many other games that gives you so much for literally nothing, and that is why you'll still all be here. Happy kawing
Do we still get to keep our crux chests n such until the 21st or 24th or which ever it said when event started?
Phew, you have time to grow up and mature. Oh and watching someone doing something successfully is completely different to being able to do it yourself. Just look at the difference between Ric and David Flair. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
As per an earlier comment, this is crap. Now most will have to pay to open animus boxes before they expire. And surprise surprise they may contain crap like limbs, aqua and inferno. I wish JUST FOR ONCE you guys would think things through and demonstrate the slightest semblance of foresight!!
Devs are idiots and need there arses kicked No wonder your continent sends peeps to forign land to get culled.