The Animus Box - Final 24 Hours!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. woohoo.

    wait. i got 20 limbs from my extra box.

    GIVE ME A BUILD TOKEN!!!! /rage
  2. Oh one extra key so generous of you. Your greed knows no limits i hope no one buys the keys for these lame boxes with limbs most of us don't need bc we can't afford the hundreds of dollars to be in contention for lb.
  3. Hello, you have always wanted players/customers to play a fair game.
  4. woohoo, I will lose eight boxes instead of ten! Thanks devs! #sarcasm
  5. Strange that, I'm getting less boxes now :(
  6. Well devs i u understand why but u should of just let gold open them all or let boxes live until saturday. I get payed tomm at 5 n event expires at 3 so my current 6 boxes not including anymore i get r just gonna go to waste.

    **"What a Shame" by Shinedown plays in background**

    Other than that great event devs i enjoyed n my alts looking forward to the equip️
  7. Kind of lame. Should have been like this from the beggining. I have 20 boxes of which i will not be able to open since i refused to ever spend nobility points for the gold key because it is not worthy. Anyways, good to see you make this last 'bang' of which i'm sure of, to make people spend more money.
  8. It would be badass if u did also a Mithril drop from the Animus chests.
  9. Who cares?!  Ppl complain but keep spending so why should they change? I wouldn't unless u stopped spending  which U obviously won't so.. shhh I'm over it 
  10. It's ALL about the money now and that's a shame. Even a few events ago you could get top rewards for free with enough activity, now not a chance. The real shame is most of lb doesn't even need these weapons. Soon enough the event will just be an item in the marketplace. Buy the most and you win. Think with all this money you could hire some creative people and make an event fun for all
  11. Totally dislike the plan of removing animus boxes on the same day as the keys. I for one will not be buying gold keys. We will already be buying lots of seals to use w the chests we have. Why make us gamble on boxes that will most likely give us useless limbs? Smh
  12. Wow I now get 2x 0% oops it is still 0%
  13. Money makes the world go round they say. It's the same with KaW. Money is earnt. We want this game to keep going? Then we need to keep spending. We want this game to improve, we need to keep spending.

    I spend money on this game because it is one of my few entertainments. I don't care whether I will get my money back because it's not an investment. This game wouldn't last if there were no in-game purchases, it's how all free Apps run. How can u expect to be top LB when u don't pay for the game. Those people work hard to earn their money and some of it goes towards KaW, it's their choice to spend money and they choose to because they enjoy the game.
  14. What if we already did 2 animus boxes and bought 2 keys but still have an animus box? Will it go to waste or can we open it?
  15. Go to waste
  16. On the first day the animus boxes came out I got a quite a few drooped. On the second day I opened 3 boxes back to back, tge first with nobs and it gave 60 limbs, the second with gold it gave 40 limbs and the third with nobs again and it gave 20 limbs. Not worth the nobs and not worth the gamble. Since then I only buy a key with gold and have gotten limbs, quite a few crux chests and a building token. Buying the key for gold is better in my opinion and should stay around a bit longer to give people a chance to get all of heirs opened.
  17. Dropped** & the** sorry for all the misspelled words ;p
  18. Can I keep the box for decorarion purpose?
  19. Devs you need to either A keep the keys and boxes around longer or B let us open as much boxes as we want.
  20. I do find it funny though that while the boxes will be removed immediately, the spare bones and limbs will most likely clutter up our inventory for months.