Actually my problem is that they pay more attention to EB than PVP. And despite popular belief, this isnt free. LB is just pretty much paying for you and enough surplus for these to be profitable.
@kaw_comm So with the crux event chests and keys were originally to last an extra week to let us use them and i guess inbetween that event and this one you realized instead of extending them an extra week like with the crux chests and keys you decided you coukd squeeze some extra money everyone by instead of extended the purchasing window to limit and make use pay for keys. To anyone with half a brain they can realize the greed and avarice behind this event and you, the developers. Just admit to all of us the truth, the truth will set you free. Thanks for screwing us on this event guys
its not so much whining about free stuff as it is a complaint against the devs for their INSANE favortism against those that spend tons of cash. ATA makes a crazy amount of money off this game. more so than the majority of games for mobile devices. most of us just want it to b a little more fair for those of us that cant justify spending huge amounts of cash on a GAME.
Making us vulnerable with 2 maxed animus key in 24 hrs while no limit cuz of using 10 nobs? While dropping so many
The 2-keys-per 24 hrs promo started 12:19pm pst. How are we supposed to open the 2nd box tomorrow if we have less than 24hrs til this event ends?
Animus Boxes contain the Limbs of the Laboror used in the current hunt. Because of this their duration was never intended to be extended. We've increased the number of boxes you can open, and also made it easier to get if you don't have any yet. There's nothing requiring you to open every single box either.
Great point: a war game that doesn't emphasize war is an issue. There are threads about that-good ones! complaining about the timing of an additional lb release, however, is trivial...
The change should work retroactively. If you've already opened a box earlier today, you should be able to open the second now without issue.
And the thought of making a copy of the coding and removing said limbs from the prizes after the events end never crossed your mind why?
Ahh forums, bless your cotton socks. If you want to open more chests pay to do so. If you dont want to pay, dont open them ffs. The sense of entitlement is unreal. Do you morons go into your local grocery store with noob tears thundering down your cheeks and demand that everything there is free too? Do you ball up your fists in that same store and scream CASH GRAB when you get to the till and realise you have to pay for your goods? Absolutely pathetic, all of you.