I'm hoping for T5 HF update, But if you think about it the devs have almost reached that limit where they can't really expand the lands or tiers without making the game a bit stretched in the way of building CS
Troll thanks for hiring my allies since you refferenced me again ill take it as an invite to get back on your thread. Your fooling no one u got 5b from me lol stop trying to look like a badass when all u are is a fail strip
eh yes and lose, no and lose. this was to help the player base and the people wanting change your build day. yes devs i watch your chats
So, to all of you non hfbc players. If the event dropped an item that could only be used by someone hfbc, and it expired in 2 weeks, you wouldn't feel like you were being "cheated"? If that was the case, I would support your complaints to the devs whole heartedly. That's all this thread is about. An item that is useless to a targeted few, no matter how it is rendered useless, is not fair. Old equip affects all. Aqua and inferno affects all (and can be used as new equip is released). This extremely rare and "valuable" item is completely useless to hfbc accounts, and there should be some sort of compensation for "earning" it.
It shouldn't have an expiration date, but it should also take into account the build status of the player. I know RNG blah blah blah, let's get back to my point. A build token should be given to people who can actually use it, why not give those who are BC either a seal or health crystals instead and just void the building token.
Let's skip the piss fit banter and farm me. I am hungry for incoming and don't really care about your problem. I just want someone in my newsfeed. Though, yeah maybe allow players yo keep that item till new builds come out sounds like a reasonable idea.
Support. I'm not HFBC and probably never will be, but I see how it's unfair to those who are. We should send headless apes to the developers to get our message through.
I don't think they will go to waste. It's a promo that hugely benefits those who are wiling to spend on the game-the same people who are most likely to be bc. It's a cool item, but obviously devs could see that many wouldn't be able to use it. Look at the top 10, how many of those will benefit from their 3 token prize? Not that it's bad to talk about, but I'm sure this situation has already crossed their minds.
Well i've got 4 building tokens atm. Bein HFBC as well n also disagree about them being legendary. Unless legendary refers to legends tells of their value n days gone by lol
It only drops for ppl who are either tiny or HFBC. But for ppl who need it like me, I never get a decent box open. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Best laugh for the day. Really well replied Mr Troll And yes, I support that HFBC players should not be penalized for winning that token. Let them keep it till new lands come out so they can have better use of it then.
Support to what troll's point is. He won something he can not use it's not really winning now is it. If he spends ten Nobs each box his paid for something that is not fit for use. I don't agree with a 300b refund maybe 60 % because tokens are for any building upgrade if your on hl and have not unlocked hf lvl 4 buildings then the price is 150b lvl 4 assuming people have levelled up buildings. After reading all the post this got trolled bad ironically. I think ATA should review this but people should send feedback or email Support@athinkingape.com
I guess I don't get the argument. Is it that you can't use a reward from the box? I got 20 limbs today. I am at a little over 600, and won't reach the next level-so like your token, they are useless. the box promises random rewards but it doesn't promise they will all be useful. Personally, I think the devs have something up their sleeve since this promo is aimed at higher level players anyway, but if not and your token rots away unused, then how is that any different than losing 20 extra unneeded limbs?
Because limbs are an item which sole purpose is to accumulate... Until you reach a certain tier. They don't have any additional use. Sometimes you people make me wonder with the analogies you make.
Kaw should either A) let you swap it for another legendary item B) give you face value of what the token is worth 300B ( please no more tiers of buildings ) really can't see them doing this to be fair but anyway lol Or C) let you give it away to a clan member / friend Don't see the hardship of them allowing hfbc to use any of these options above. Anybody agreeing with the token going to waste is just saying it because they aren't in the same boat as troll. But just remember peeps you surely must have friends and clannies also with tokens left around gathering dust. ️ peace