I have 4HF so castle will be unlocked at 4HF ... No.. One player can have 15 HL and be HFLC.. Next upgrade should have 2 reqs HLC and at least 15 HF.. IMO The features you giving are horrible.. sounds like you want to transfer from your alts or you are kid and don't have a credit/debit card..
Well it would help me get more things from my farms, would mean I can demand xtrals and other items as a cf
I wouldn't mind a player-driven nobility/crystals market. Once people have established a market, more people would have access to things they otherwise would not have access to. There us no profit loss in this for the devs, as you still need to buy thise items with cash. It would only serve to increase their profits because people would use this feature pretty frequently, especially during war.
okay..., to could create castle level 4 maybe need a higher level likes highland complete land and 20 hoarfrost land to prevent transfer from alt to main. its no problem for me cause i don't need to do it. i propose this for help me or other who want to buy crystal or nobility point but don't have credit card. and i think this feature can't abusing for CF payment..., to could buying other account crystal and nobility point..., all account MUST HAVE castle level 4..., so who don't need to help buying crystal / nobility point for other don't need to upgrade castle to level 4. create alt to could transfer crystal / nobility is useless too because who want transfer MUST HAVE castle level 4..., do you want create alt and active play it till could upgrade castle to level 4 and only could transfer 1 crystal / 10 nobility point to your main per month? and if anyone have time to do it, i propose devs to make 1 account only could accept 1 transfer every month, so if any people think they could create 10 account alt and could transfer to only 1 account will useless too. and i think devs could help too if any player need payment for CF because its against the rule. they must PM for to do it and player could report it to devs with SS of PM.