starter pack

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by lIl-lz_lLegendsl_zl-lIl, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Hi
    If devs gonne pop out some new lands would be a great idea to create a starter pack for the new ones for like 10$ they will get :
    -lowlands unlocked
    -10m allies speĺl. (1week duration)
    This pack can only be bought when they stil grey
    Any support 
  2. I wouldn't spend money on a game I just downloaded
  3. They got a week to find out if they like it ore not 
  4. The use of that "e" was not necessary ere you meant to say ore as in the class of mineable material.

    A week is too little time.

    10 dollars is a tad pricey.

    100mil is child's play.
  5. If ur a starter 100m will get ur started with a few buildings thats why it called starter pack :)
  6. You're* I believe "ur" is an abbreviation of your thus is incorrect.

    100mil won't get you far. For 10 dollars I should get some equipment too.. 1 billion instead of a measly 100 million, and a couple hundred speakers to complain that the game is complicated, makes no sense, needs dumb starter packs, and for volleys. :roll:
  7. I do not see your point of being a grammar nazi. What is it to you, that he chose to use such grammar? Mind your own business and simply respond to the idea with 'support' or 'no support' with a light explanation, of which you already have done. You just make yourself look so foolish carring about a persons grammar and such. Anyway, support. But the amount of gold should be at least no more than, or less than one billion gold.
  8. People like correcting other peoples spelling XD no one cares but that is a bit um not a good idea really
  9. I don't believe it will make much difference as I doubt many would want to spend $10 within a week of downloading the game.

    As far as being a grammar Nazi, while I agree that spending one's time pointing out every error in an online post is somewhat pointless, if everyone simply abandons all rules of grammar within a language then it will not be too long before people become incomprehensible to one another. Grammar, standardized spelling, and uniform rules of writing are what allow people to communicate with each other. And not just in the present either. One of the first steps that linguists take when trying to "decode" an ancient language is to try to discover the rules of grammar present in the text. So grammar rules are what allows the past to communicate with us and will help ensure that we are able to communicate with the future.
  10. But i do find it brilliant the way this thread comes up a few hours after I suggested this to troll in a new play issue thread when he said something about new players getting the FC / gaw starter pack.

    There was another part talking about op being lazy from not being able to spell 'you're' properly. But that got deleted when kaw restarted while I was going the colours :?
  11. I completely agree with you. But the OP seems like a nice person. I just did not see the point of why should he feel the need to be a jack ass and correct every single wrong spelling he made? Why not just simply let him be, despite the fact that grammar is important when communicating to better understand and get the message accross. And instead of spending time correcting one's grammar online, why not simply make a good use of the urge and pursue a career on being a pre-school teacher to better satisfy the need? Just my point of view. :)
  12. Since when does one spelling correction account for doing so many? After all I corrected "every single wrong spelling he made" every meaning more than one... Yet there is only one error? Two if your being picky but they are both of the same violation in spelling. Where are the others, dare I ask?
  13. I could care less if they are in both violation of spelling. You corrected him more than once, which i believe is 'Plural' meaning it is more than one time.
  14. You both are violating my fingers, Stop quoting walls if text because no one gives a ****, ps that's a horrible colour you should feel bad for using yellow.
  15. It does not look so bad if you do not qoute it :lol:
  16. I corrected his use of the term ore and his use of the word ur. If this is every single one and all his mistakes you could've used the terms couple of few. More on the matter they were grammatical, not spelling mistakes as they are words or recognized as abbreviations of words.

    Also: stop derailing the damn thread about his grammar and my corrections. This is about creating starter packs.
  17. Too much text. Sorry, I got bored after the first 7 lines. So don't know what the hell you are talking about.
  18. Can someone close this threat its way offtopic .../close
  19. this thread started out serous, now it's a grammar war.
  20. Dood y d0 u n33d 2 c0mplane s0 mvch abt speeling