New Player Ally Issue

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Titan_God, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Yes, I know. That's why it would be abused. Titan says have it active at a certain cs, and when it's passed, then drop the spell. People could go under that cs and regain the spell. That's why I think time is better. Have the max plunder spell for the same time as the noob grey.
  2. i need allies to hire them
  3. I support this. If my alt wasn't vollied to 450b I wouldn't have bothered growing it
  4. I just made a new alt 2 days ago. It is literally impossible to keep an ally under 500m for more than a few seconds.

    More support
  5. Much support man :D great idea- i prefer the cs limit as i think some newer players may have inactive periods as i know i did and the spell would therefore be wasted
  6. Seth, you misunderstand. The spell does not come back.
  7. ^^

    It's like picking your starter pokemon, you get an OP starter pokemon but you can never release it to go back and get another one
  8. Support. It was a struggle to find an ally for my alt when he started out. Couldn't grow
  9. Support this would def improve game play for new players