Who's the one Mod you'd like to meet in RL and why?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. I wanna meet Moosey. I've already seen vixen and inferno. Just us in a dimly lit woodland restaurant.
  2. Moose are big and majestic to look at, but they'll rip you apart of you try to get too close.
  3. I have not got to know any of them well enough to want to meet any of them but Panda Has always been helpful!
  4. Pandas a mod?...
  5. Yarmes....
    The most classic exit a mod has ever had. I would have pissed myself laughing during "The great silence" if it were me. 
  6. I would like to meet... Avatar!
  7. Panda...because he's a panda... Duh
  8. Let you know when we do. 
  9. Moose. To see him in all his majesty and figure out what happened to wc trivia night from like 2 years ago
  10. Avatar bc him and I are pretty good friends
  11. Can I meet more than one?  Id like to meet inferno though .-. he's pretty awesome. But since he's not a mod now :( Id go with slayerbob
  12. like...to take them into a back alley and beat them?
  13. Benny. Because Benny.
  14. Benny needs to be mod again
  15. Second. ️
  16. Hero. Because I've always wanted to beat up a communist.


    (Someone tell him to read this)

    Disclaimer: hero is actually a friend and not a commie, but for the sake of my anti-hero campaigns, he is a communist butt pirate who is responsible for obamacare, ISIS, the jersey shore, bieber, lady gaga, and all things wrong with the world.)
  17. I would meet inferno. Make him blaze one with me.
  18. Bellamorte anyone?
  19. Inferno is mine. I hide him in a dungeon and no one gets to see him. :evil:
  20. ^That statement is sort of comedic but also unfunny.