ask the next person a question game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GuNnYLepine, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. bad idea, those that don't learn, REPEAT history !

    why did this guys family line (the last descendants of adolph) decide NOT to have kids ?
  2. Because they (the descendants) knew that they would be persecuted for the next 100 years?

    Ok let's try this again lol

    When you Google "Adolph H.itler FBI" and click the link that takes you to the FBI's government documents website, What do they believe happened to him?
  3. Either suicide, or he escaped and was still alive
  4. ^ agreed

    TCU or Kansas State
  5. Neither, UVA

    Why do people not realize that when a word is censored, it's for a good reason?
  6. Ppl who bypass don't care.

    What's the answer to life, universe, n everything?
  7. That question was already answered (it's bacon)

    Soccer or football?
  8. Fencing

    What's better than bacon?
  9. Double bacon

    Are narwhals cool?
  10. Better than bacon?
    My cornhole.

    Thoughts on Jews?
  11. I am a Jew

    Chocolate covered bacon, bacon roses, or a bacon martini?
  12. All of the above

    Favorite flavor of smoked bacon?
  13. Heroine flavour.

    Thoughts on Jews?
  14. Dont care

    Jack Whitehall or Selena Gomez
  15. Selena Gomez if she has bacon

    Sacrifice yourself to save thousands of lives or **** the other people and save yourself?
  16. Depends on the value of the other lives. If its women and children, then damn straight ill sacrifice myself, if its politicians then they dont stand a chance.

    How fast does the Mir sad pace station travel around our planet
  17. Oh, wait, if the politicians have bacon thats a whole different story. Then i would offer to save them if they give me all their bacon, then i take the bacon, then i watch them die and laugh and laugh and laugh. Thats what you get for being a bunch of adolph heetlers.

    Same question applies from above
  18. -9999999999999999999999999999999 mph

    YouTube or Twitch?
  19. What's Twitch?

    69 or Backwards Kick Flip with A Side of Eggs?
  20. Potato pizza

    Potato or potato salad