~The Secret Room of KaW~

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by l_Shad_I, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. So I clicked onto a potion on my profile and I was oddly sent to this screen...


    I have found the secret room of KaW!

    But... Why are some bricks gone? What is behind the wall? I MUST KNOW!

    It must mean that new EBs are coming! Or is it a... Conspiracy theory!

    Or... Is ATA holding hostages behind the wall? I guess we'll never know
  2. It's the background for the iPad version. Needed because of the different screen dimensions.
  3. Well that ruins the fun of it
  4. That's where spragga sleeps
  5. Exactly
  6. Go to kaw_community and check his EB history.

  7. I've found the magical colour effects of forums
    Kingdoms of white backgrounds
    The dark void
  8. Oh! Oh! I have one!! Lemme find and make sure there aren't bypasses and stuff. 
  9. [​IMG]

    Bunny is the center of attention. ;)
  10. This thread is useless. Reset app it's just glitched graphics
  11. This is why children cry. You ruin their dreams.

  12. What about mule coins? Or misprints?

    Are they wastes? Glitches aren't known by everyone. I like seeing the holes in the system shown threw via SS of mis colors and such.

    Party pooper.