Perfect Drift Updates

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -this-is-a-name-to-remember-, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. ****quote from last update****
    ****Quote from last update****

    Recent Update Info:
    》More android devices can play
    》Runs better for most players
    》Sizing improved on smaller screens
    》Few bugs

    Bugs on larger devices:
    》Tutorial failure
    》Most bugs have seemed to stop

    Bugs on smaller devices:
    》Tutorial failure at the engine
    》Settings force close

    Future Updates Hopefully:
    》Tutorial update
    》Supports more android
    》Playable on ios within one month

    Extra Info
    Perfect drift is actually not a bad app but it definitely doesn't deserve 3-5 stars

    I will be actively updating this as more and more updates come
  2. Give an explanation of the app if you have played it, please. I bet many other people are interested
  3. Short version: race against environment to unlock more territories to have access to better cars. Every race you win bring you reputation points, money and according with how well you perform up to 3 crates. Crates contain money or parts needed to upgrade your car. Installing parts require money. Every time you pass to a new level you get 3 skill points that can be used to train your skills. Training skills cost money aswell.

    About PVP part. There is what is called "PVP islands". Race against other opponents to take control over territory. Controlling the territory bring you regular money income. The more territories you control the more money you get. Money that are needed to upgrade your car and improve your driving skills. Note that rewards are much better if your race PVP than if you race against environment.
  4. There's a developer made thread for this kinda stuff already, why make a new one?
  5. There was already someone else named Benny, why did your parents make another one?
  6. There was :|
    Please bump it so I can see it
  7. Taining skills and installing parts take time. At my level (12) training skills took 2.5hours. Installing parts takes (so far) bbetween 15 and 4hours. This time can be accelerated by using ingame points (similar with nobs). These points can be purchased with real money or you can get them as reward when you completely unlock a territory (the reward is far I didn't felt that is needed to spend money for them).
  8. Yawn perfect drift? No thx
  9. Sounds like ATA. I wish they would just focus on kaw/pimd but I can't blame them for wanting more money. Something tells me this new racing game isn't the ticket, however
  10. Time will tell. But I doubt ATA started to work on two new games (SMASH and PD) without a market research.
    And if its about money there's no multiplayer game in the market without micro-purchases. ATA is a company that sells products. They are not just amateurs that makes silly games like Flappy Birds just for fun.
  12. I know!

    But is still a silly game based on an amateur concept. Sometimes that require 2 days of work and just launch it on the market. If is not a winner, no big deal.

    But ATA is in another category. ATA stopped to be a startup long time ago. I doubt they put months of work and spend large amounts of money to develope new games without a serious market research.