Best Band Ever and Reason Why?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by BobRoss, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. There are bands I like more on a song for song basis but AC/DC would be my vote for all time best rock band.
    They've done it all as a group endured massive hardships, stuck with what they did best without confirming and withstood the test of time.
    TBH you can play most AC/DC songs and 90% or more between the ages of 16 and 70 could name the band. Possibly even one or more members.
    They've never tried to change anything to be trendy or follow sheeple. "We do 12 bar, 3 chord, blues based, 4/4 rock cut n dry."
    Hands down rock n roll un it's purist form.
    The fact they've lost a front man , while never losing a single fan is feat unto itself. Then went onto write a massive multi hit record back in black.
    Even as senior fricken citizens display more talent and professionalism then most "artists" of of our times.
    From their comedic lyrics to their raunchy demeanour, tippin lead riffs and easy vocals hands down AC/DC is the  no ifs ands or buts about it
  2. There are bands I like more on a song for song basis but AC/DC would be my vote for all time best rock band.
    They've done it all as a group endured massive hardships, stuck with what they did best without confirming and withstood the test of time.
    TBH you can play most AC/DC songs and 90% or more between the ages of 16 and 70 could name the band. Possibly even one or more members.
    They've never tried to change anything to be trendy or follow sheeple. "We do 12 bar, 3 chord, blues based, 4/4 rock cut n dry."
    Hands down rock n roll un it's purist form.
    The fact they've lost a front man , while never losing a single fan is feat unto itself. Then went onto write a massive multi hit record back in black.
    Even as senior fricken citizens display more talent and professionalism then most "artists" of of our times.
    From their comedic lyrics to their raunchy demeanour, rippen lead riffs and raspy vocals hands down AC/DC is the  no ifs ands or buts about it
  3. Crazy I've never had a weird dbl post like that before especially 4 mins aprt it just froze
  4. Temple of the dog
    Reason Chris Cornell and Eddie vedder togerher= magic!
    Greatest? Probably not but saw their reunion apperance the other day and got goosebums all over! 2 great rock voices
  5. One Direction
  6. Pantera...don't even have to explain
  7. Guns n Roses one of the best for me.
  8. Linkin Park
    Fort Minor(Mike Shinoda)

    Reason the lyrics the talent the style
    Forever the greatest
  9. Creed now Lincoln park. Overrated comes to mind lol. Don't think Eminem is a band, pretty sure he's an artist

  10. Is this serious? So by your logic bands who last longer are better?

    Led Zeppelin broke up because one of their members died. They agreed to break up because they never wanted to be anything different than the collaboration of them (all) as musicians and not any of them individually.

    Either way, your entire point went moot as soon as you said Metallica in reference. They've been garbage for over 20 years now (their only good years were the 80's) and even then they weren't ever the best in their own scene, simply one of the most popular. Being popular and actually being good are two different entities.

    Also. F.Y.I. Metallica has openly admitted to being directly influenced by Mercyful Fate and their early demos. So no, they don't have their own sound either.
  11. 1)beatles
    2)bob Dylan
    3)The Yardbirds----if you don't know who they are look it up. only had 3 of the top 5 guitar players ever.

    all of this after of course....LEd FreaKinG ZePPeLin
  12. Daughtry
    Linkin Park
    Fall out boy
    Backstreet Boys
    Led Zeppelin
    Florida Georgia Line
    One Republic
    Panic! at the Disco
    Michael learns to rock
    Black eyed Peas
    Maroon 5

    All of them were and still are my favorite bands. Just the right music at the right time when you need some music that suits the situation. Cheers. :)

  13. Its better now :3
  14. Best band ever is always hard.
    How about:
    The Beatles
    The White stripes
    The Rolling Stones
    Pink Floyd
  15. Almost forgot milli vanilli and Gerardo. Right said Fred and ace of bass get honorable mentions
  16. Milli va-wack doesn't deserve to be mention crap no talent lip singers lol
  17. Queen (Nuff said)
  18. I'm too sexy for this thread
  19. My list

    Iron maiden
    Metal church

    I used to be one of the biggest Metallica fans of all times, until I watch them sellout to the world during the whole Napster issue.