ask the next person a question game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GuNnYLepine, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Never watched top gear but i know it's a car show :/

    Whatcha planning for your weekend? Outside kaw
  2. No clue

    Have you been waterskiing?
  3. Not yet

    Whos the eprson next to u???
  4. Idk what do u think i can guess haha foolyah

    What is more expensive being tank or ps ?
  5. I am unable to answer as you failed to construct a sentence.

    Why did the Developed world slowly become more politically correct in the last 20 years?
  6. Because people got scared of everthing, protection from all tghings "harmfull" has become more prominent then using common sense.

    How do to large people have sex?
  7. Lots of butter.

    What does blue smell like?
  8. Unoriginality -.-

    How about this weather?
  9. No one ever cares about the weather

    Is the Internet, with all its knowledge, creating dumb people or people with a different types of intelligence
  10. Dumb people.
    Specifically those that don't place a question mark at the end of their question :)

    Lovely weather we're having, hmm?
  11. Nah its too hot

    Why are there so many haters online
  12. Because this is the internet, birthplace of noobs flamers, trolls, etc.

    Rainbows or unicorns?
  13. Unicorns

    Devil or Angel?
  14. Devil

    Did I leave my bra at your house?
  15. Yes you did. I'm not returning it.

    Are you wearing pants?

  16. Why don't you come and find out?

    ...The answer no

    Do women prefer cave man balls or turtle shell balls? I've always been curious
  17. Both

    9+10= ????
  18. [(25x2)/10] + [(4/2)x10] - [(2x2) 2]

    What's your favorite animal?
  19. Rabbit.

    Westlife or One Direction?
  20. Green Day.

    How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?