Accidentally hiring inactive allys.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Shayken, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. Haha we have all done it. Just laugh about it
  2. I recently done this and accidentally hired 500bn allie no stats
  3. I always hire off battle list
  4. I usually accidentally hire allies when I calculating someone's total Ally value and I'm working really quick. The struggle is real.
  5. I must agree with this.
    If I want an active that I wish to sell, I usually go to wc as wc activity is atleast some sort of activity.

    If I just wanna put away cash in an ally, I will go to ally search
  6. SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!! Wasted 400 bil on a inactive ally who had 900 attack stats.
  7. No support be more careful or don't play being tired. I've hired much pricer allies when I cared about playing competitively.
  8. No support. Please dont add additional taps to this game :D
  9. Ayyyeeee, I'm left handed. :D
  10. I've worried about this issue but I'm not stupid enough to do it
  11. Support
  12. I always by mistake click hire when I mean to go to a wall. Most of the times it says insufficient time but every so often I have enough and I buy the ally completely unintentionally. Full support!
  13. Definitely not the first and not the last , we do need an update for that tho, or have view and hire button on different sides to avoid it alittle better
  14. Ill experienced that too
  15. I dropped my phone once and it sold a t5l3 building. Oops one min before a war.
  16. Don't shop while tired.  that helps to
  17. I just did this, now I have an understat 600b ally I will never get rid of.

    Why won't KAW add a confirm button for such an important decision?