Ah.. So ata strategy Is to just rinse and repeat games. Don't expect any major updates for KaW, they'll let this game slowly die and just create the same **** game with different graphics.
No Val. Perfect Drift has a totally different game play. That's why I said in a previous post that KaW/PIMD won't canibalize PD or vice-versa.
The money we spend on this game (we, I no longer spend, so YOU), Goes to either devs pockets (wages), or back into updating the game. No matter what they say about having a different part of the company and different dev teams, the money we used is just making New games like smash (complete fail) and this... Perfect... Drift. Such an original name by the way. Not.
actually gaw was a pretty good game then was taken over it died not that long a go fc was a ios only and thats why it died