What do you think of the name/stat of the player before you?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by captn_delirious, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Your name reminds me of a thorn bush...
  2. I like the name. Brings back memories of the "Drat, Foiled again!" Days of comics.
  3. Generic name. SH build so don't think much of it.
  4. Don't really like that hybrid build..

    Name is hard to read.
  5. Changing my build around, removed a lot of builds and have many to change/upgrade still
  6. Lol bro. I've been here a while at least. ;)
    You shouldn't disregard SH's. Check achievements and Post Count. Been here since 2011.
  7. Look at the smallest player in WAR Instinct. My oldest account.
  8. Sounds like a guy with 8 accts
  9. I think i will steal all your noob tears
  10. Actually I had more than 8 but now I only have 2. And this is the only one I play.
  11. Yes please do steal all my noob tears.
  12. Yea we all had many acvts at one point most ive had was 7 but now i barley got time for this one
  13. I had 21 accounts at one point, then cut down to 14 and then to this one. Just realised I had better things to do with my life :L
  14. I feel ya peaceout
  15. You spelled 'psychedelic' incorrectly. ._.
  16. I don't know much about stats, but that's a pretty name!
  17. -Rumours

    I've always spelled it as Rumors, without the U, so I think you very likely live in the UK
  18. Josh and drake lol
  19. ^Too long nickname, no fancy staff.. looks terribly awful