what is going on with imdi war 4??

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by WA_Thorin-Oakenshield_WA, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. We were put in clan Ruinous Marauders, waited over 15 minutes, no match, then clan was disbanded, put back in same clan with same 15 players, still waiting for a match....36 minutes after the hour and still counting... what is going on dudes.. match us or let us go back to out EB's... this is bs....
  2. Yh this is bs get it fixed pls
  3. Yup happened again just now
  4. Hold tight for free ****
  5. Quite annoying to be honest. The whole disbanding to exact get same roster twice is pointless
  6. Yeah maybe open registration up at 6:00 and start over devs
  7. We're currently looking into this.
  8. I applied back home after last disband. Also casted 14mith. Ample reimbursement in form of mith would be reasonable to expect. Thx
  9. Also we would like to see an extension of ee throughout the game
  10. Nah youll get a crux chest. Theyre the devs new cash cow
  11. are still looking into this ?
    coz i m like a 
    i m look like not in a clan , so cant war lol
    nice jobs devs  only the 2nd time today 
  12. Just like when the wrong team got them so every1 got 1 n winners got 2. Wasnt accident. Devs planned it so we would xstal n seal. Lol. Really what I think
  13. war is started till 25 min and i cant hit anyone 
  14. Also used pots in first 30 actions before I suddenly ended up outside clan. I'm poor. Give em back
  15. And the 32 and continuing inc have burnt def pots. Fix it Thx ️
  16. now they can hit me and i cant hit them 
  17. are u alive devs ?
    are you still looking on the bugg ?
  18. Give us 500mith and 10crystal and 10box and 10chest and 10nobility and 10trillion gold and 100limb and ee5
  19. Well we got a match with 4 mins to prepare then 5 mins into war the oppo clan disappeared but could still hit us but we got invalid request in every action. Now war has ended ...SORT IT OUT DEVS