Hawl it daan!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-_--iiNllaiiklleiidll--_-_-, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. I was on a 1977 pay phone singing pay phone by Bruno Mars and A bum dropped a doughnut in my cup of coffee, but my let mouse was lost. Then that one sexy Walmart employee who you always hope to see stabbed their manager. I'm legally blind  das my story I'm stickin to it... I COULD SEE... Barely.

    Mama I luhv yu [GGM] hawl it daan pimp squad in ya mouth all day baby 4 LYFE!! 
  2. Da fuk did I just read.
  3. U wot m8
  4. White girl can't even
  5. I lost you at "1977 payphone"
  6. No support
  7. Someone is drunk kawing 
  8. I wrote this at an orphanage while pretending not to be English to the death kids that are running around and screaming "Naah son that hash brown is mines".
  9. Look, your recruitment thread needs more bbcodes.
  10. i dont even know how to approach a response to this
  11. Honey, he found our shroom box again. Time to relocate it.
  12. Did you open the door?
  13. Well then...
  14. I have decided to devote my life to writing children books after this.
  15. I feel you, op. The government sends these bum robots to donut all open coffee cups. The donuts have a lot of people in my room.

    The best part is the only thing that I don't think that the government has is a great way to dance with Kate Upton.

  16. CF Granted 
  17. Is she doing the cat daddy? I will now go make my cat a mommy.
  18. Forgot what op said busy staring at Kate dance