Is Redstar invincible?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Reproduction, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Allie leaderboard is the only thing that matters. **** overall
  2. Didn't Regulators once strip a top 10 ally leaderboard person and made him quit? Pretty sure the bigger alliances have deep enough pockets to strip most of the Ally leaderboard.
  3. True dat.
    I wonder where Silph's money goes - he's only #12 on Ally lb
  4. So much ignorance on this thread..
  5. WDGAF stripped Bomanator of about 190t.

  6. How so?
  7. Correct. Sometimes, not very often, it will say something along the lines of "a wandering villager spotted your spies" for spy actions, and "on the brink of defeat, your enemy had one final push" for attack actions.
  8. And wasn't that an "accident" too?
  9. He does drugs it's all about the drugs man
  10. u dum breh? Obvi he b beatible in primol. That not wut op b askin.
  11. I think I just lost IQ points.
  12. Dont think, just do.
  13. @shadow many just assume **** about Red

    kezzer why would a towerless big enter a primal war?

    To keep on topic, op im pretty sure terror badboy won an attack on redstar awhile ago. It was in an ewar but a success nonetheless
  14. An accident? No, he was stripped for being a well known hire hitter. Just did it to the wrong people.
  15. Think donno or cella could hit him if he was at pin
  16. There isn't a point. We are trapped
  17. ^^ Deja Vu, man.
  18. I know right?