New Forum Layout

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 1, 2014.


What do you think of the update?

  1. Awesome

    57 vote(s)
  2. Meh

    32 vote(s)
  3. Life Changing

    38 vote(s)
  1. Nice. This kind of put some more life into the forums.
  2. Support, if I'm being a recluse in my room in the dark, I don't want no bright light blinding me for all of eternity. 
  3. Very unexpected update, but glad to see a nice layout change for once. This color scheme definitely fits KAW better.
  4. I just noticed this as well when I came on forums late at night.

    Please fix transitions. :(
  5. Reminds me too much of the sun. I hate the sun
  6. Eww, Balto
  7. Sexy Forums!!
  8. Nice, i thought theres something wrong hehe, nice more cool
  9. Agree it does look sweet :) are we gunna see more improvements/changes to forums?

  10. Can you change the loading screen for forums to be dark as well? I blinded myself. Whenever you click on a post or another page it really bright white after looking at the new layout.
  11. Hmmm. Not bad. Put a bit more work please. :)
  12. I love this new layout the edit posts ability! thanks devs! ...And its fixed so I can write more then 10 lines! yay!
  13. Looks pretty nice. One minor personal fault on mine the color difference between normal players and mods is not as noticeable as it used to be. Players with sight problems such as myself who have colour difficulties may find it difficult to tell the difference at times. Other than that nice job :)
  14. Yeah, the loading screen is really blinding!
  15. I think it's pretty sweet.