Limb Hunt Count!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AR-_-REAPER-_-AR, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Yep, I am definitely getting the top 10 rewards at my pace.
  2. I have 0

    Some PEICES, no chests..
    At least I'm growing I guess..
  3. I have 12 fingers don't know what they do but I got em
  4. I have zero o.o am I winning?
  5. 300 something
  6. 114 got 73 in hte
  7. Does anyone know the best EB to do for limbs? (Besides for HTE and RotWB)
  8. 62!! Mostly from hte
  9. 131 2 hte all I done
  10. Not as many as I'd like to have
  11. HTE #1 Almost Done ~ So Far Only 52 Arm 35 Ring from FoD
  12. 0 :lol:
  13. Up to 830 limbs now :lol:
  14. 12 got most of them from indi war.
    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Holy.. I Need B2B Fast Seals..

    idk if this will work: *laughing* idk if that's how you do laugh emoji thingy/.\
  16. Laughing emoji is just lol with a : on each side
  17. :lol: