On Gaw i came up with a Bounty idea and after awhile of playing KAW i noticed a lot complaining about PvP events and stuff like that. Anyways, i wanted to see if players here will support The Bounty idea. How will this work? Goto a players profile, there will be a button that says mark. Hit the button and it will give you a price. The player that was marked for death will receive a notification saying there is a bounty out for them. The price will be based on size BFE/BFA. What if someone claims their own bounty? The only way a player can claim the bounty is if they pin both the players troops/spies. The person that places the bounty cannot claim it. That would be called chaining. How will we know who has a bounty out on them? There will be an additional page added to battle lists. There will be battle lists, and there will be a marked section. The marked section will show players around your size that have a bounty out on them and will show you the reward amount. Reward system Lets say i want to place a bounty on -Troll- It will give me a price based on his size, so lets say 45.7T ? Ok. Laoda pins troll's troops/spies and will receive 95% of that reward. The other 5% will goto the player that placed the bounty on -Troll- This only an idea that i think could increase PvP in the game and would be fun to players. Ideas are meant to be modified. And i hope a lot here will either enjoy or help improve this idea so that maybe the devs could consider this. So please leave feedback on this. - Del
Sounds awfully like a thing called the Blacklist from Global War. Except we could "chain" the person by repeatedly marking them for death and claiming the bounty.
Self pinning shouldn't pay the target and the person who placed the bounty shouldn't get a partial refund, good base idea but those two things I find rather stupid.
Bounty Hunters could appear Interesting concept. I support granted the target is held somewhere for all to see... Specifically lly wc. If not, people could gold transfer between accounts easier etc.
In theory couldn't you place a bounty on your alt or vice versa and use this system to transfer funds? Seems easy to abuse this way?
What's to stop me from setting all of kaw for bounty and getting 5% per KO? Very interesting idea but I fear it would be easily abused
Have to agree with this. But the bounty shouldn't pay out that large, it would only widen the gap between a leaderboard player and the mids.
If we stole the idea from GW, the person being marked wouldn't get any money from it. Such as from GW: mark a player for 3.25b and the bounty on the head of the player marked is 2.7b. The person marking would lose money but they can devastate a person's stats increasing losses tenfold in a matter of minutes.
Idea came from GW, but with GW dying and not being as great as it used to. Why not use that idea and change it a bit. The games dead and this one isnt. So i doubt they'd care
Cool idea but would need tweaking. Maybe somewhat like GTA in that you pay say 1 bil but the bounty collector gets 700-800 mil for it. That would somewhat control inflation maybe lol. The only issue I see is the possibility of people using it as a funds transfer. Unfortunately I doubt it'd happen just be such of the devs tendency to lean heavily towards pve, with about 0 work put in the less profitable PvP.
Why not cap the bounty at 300bil, and distribute 30% it among anyone who hit, and the remaining 70% to the final hit of the pin?