Pure Spies can't participate in this event.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NickyDiamonds, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. @Benny lmao
  2. Thank you Benson. The fact that he said 'your an idiot' makes it all the more facepalm-worthy. :lol:
  3. Why are you using spies on eb, if your in OSW? another thing if your ps and have no allies, even if you built a stable it would do you no good.
  4. Why is there so much hilarity in one thread?
  5. It would still do damage which would increase # of drops.
  6. I guess refer to the first question? 60 spy actions on an eb while in Osw?
  7. 60 actions in a eb wouldn't yield much for any build.
  8. a ps from BH crying about eb drops lol

    explains why there is so little inc recorded from you guys 
  9. Hahaha do you hand out ointment when you burn these newbs?  I literally lol'd
  10. God dammit. I was going to go under my bridge until I heard no trolling was allowed.
  11. Aren't you in OSW? Why are you worrying about Eb payouts? :/
  12. Lol one more thing that makes ps useless.

    I love it.
  13. If what you're saying is true then why not just put up an attack building buy an ally and be a Hansel that way you can still be a ps?
  14. Likewise RedVixen, I don't get inc for a good 5 hours a day.
  15. Chaos i'm in osw so Im not always going to do that.
  16. PS = wuss build
    They don't deserve drops
  18. 1) OP isn't PS. Try taking some time to look at his build

    2)OP said he tried this on alt. His first eb he used only assassination and got no drops. Second eb he did troops and got big drops. He is simply stating that he thinks it's unfair that spies aren't giving any drops.

    Maybe get the stuck out of your butt and critisize on the actual topic. Not on your opinion on OP.