Mage and mithril - time 4 a change???

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IX_THoR_XI, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. I also put in $$$ too
  2. Yup but you sad you wouldn't gain much but most would... you gain more then the eb faris since it's obvious your short mith for new equips and most likely have the inferno/aqua to change that issue lol...
  3. You will still have you're edge. You still yield highest mith income. You still get equip before everyone else. You still win FREE ITEMS for warring better than other people.

    Opening the mith market will naturally make more people interested in your style of gameplay due to it will still BY FAR be the easiest way to get mith QUICKLY.

    This would be a good move for ALL OF KAW. KAW non-EE people benefit by having Mith market opened. EE players benefit by more players becoming interested in EE thus yielding more players to join in EE.
  4. Also the way you spend money on the game isn't the only way people spend money on the game. I've spent hundreds of dollars Also. My money just wasn't rewarded with special equip but rather HTE and xtals for strips.
  5. The Mage I have currently Id like to keep - it's enough to max ug the next promo equip. Honestly it means nothing gettin extra mith from Mage conversion.

    I'm prob 10 wars from finish off greaves max ug

    I'm not really inclined to ug helmet or boots. Rather save my mith - the inc in stats from s3 arent significant enough. Plus Id want to save stuff for next tier eb equip to replace my current eb equip
  6. Joker,

    Regardless of ur against the whole idea of ending mages

    Are you also against endin Aqua and converting all Aqua to inferno?
  7. i have 200 more inferno then aqua but i might be a rare case? but the fact that equips usually need both at some point means its not useless...
  8. No, just no. I have had war wins where i got only 2-3 mith where i was fully active, 40+ actions and was tracking. This idea is foolish. Eb gear for eb along with aqua/inferno. Mith gear and mith for ee war. And btw my amounts of aqua & inferno are within 100 of each other lol.
  9. Wouldn't be bad to have a sort of promo for this kinda idea. Limited time to convert/buy or receive mith drops from ebs. Make HTE the eb with the highest drop rate and the devs will be tripping over themselves trying in implement it hahaha
  10. Aqua/inferno drops r fine as is for eb only ppl. They choose to war or not n win or not mithril as a reward. Winning Estoc Edge increases drop rate. Maybe selling aqua/inferno for gold but mith is earned by warriors.
  11. Just saying - if u want mithril, participate in wars doesn't help.

    - some people have a hard time finding a good clan to war in and have to merc out all the time. They could participate in a 100 wars and lose most of them.

    - others may need to alter their build and to add 5m sdt and 4m adt could take a year if they aren't doin hte. And even if they did that - most clans dun need mids and tanks, no one would want them. They'd b told to go ps1. It's easy for big tanks like me to tell ppl to change their build but if I was told to change my build in order to war - Id tell them they were crazy.

    - then u use the: "hey they could do indy wars argument." This seems like an infomercial: "does ur build lack sdt and Adt, do u find that no one wants u 2 war in their clan, r u so desperate to get mith that u will war w leaks and moles...THEN TRY INDY WARS!" You also forget that unlike primals, indy wars u need bfa and bfe, but these r the ppl w crap bfe cuz they dun have enough inferno to ug their equip.

    Again I understand if ppl r against the conversion of Mage into mith. What I dun understand is then why not support all mage b transmuted into inferno. Down w Aqua - convert it all to inferno.
  12. I'm really disappointed in the season 4 eq costs to enchant, I work my butt off in season 4 to get all equip but now I have to work even harder to get enough mith to even make the equipment profitable for me? I went from 1700 mith to 60 in 3 minutes max upgrading oceanic grieves, not even doing the other 3 eq, needs to be less steep of costs
  13. If ninja with that build got atleast 100 medals then anyone can get 100 medals...
  14. 410 aqua, 314 inferno...
  15. Yea I remember ninja in wc- he tried to get in every war possible
  16. This post isn't abt ug s4 equip - it's really abt updatin Mage


    1) goin from 2 elements in Mage (Aqua and inferno) to exclusively inferno meaning that all Aqua is converted to inferno, and equip only requires inferno to ug and ebs only drop inferno

    2) all Mage is converted to mith, ebs drop mith and eb equip req only mith to ug. Eb equip would still b cheaper to ug (if it cost 6 Mage to ug, it would cost 6 mith to ug) over ee equip.
  17. Lol I tried way to hard that season with an eb-ish build
  18. Try grammar, spellcheck, and maybe even a Leet to English translator in your next post :lol:
  19. battle list mithril.