Lag Issues (10/30)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Wow. This war is awesome, 51 inc and ko'd before it said war even started :roll:
  2. Thank you KAW units, by the way, I'm ready to be a moderator now
  3. I want my scrolls or xtal....lags are a lost of time and money for who do hte or rotwb
  4. I want a titanium/gold alloy chest encrusted with diamonds and rubys ..when u use the key to open it you get 5k xtlas 1k SOD w/ 1000% Plunder Bonus ...please (thanks)
  5. Well that was a waste of a crux chest only able to hit for about 20 mins of it
  6. I did love the wc cheer that went up when the lag started, "yay! Lag! Now we get a chest!" 
  7. With the issue of the chests HTE/ROTWB's ebs have increased team that up with the war activity maybe keep the windows open or install a fan,your servers cant handle the load and are overheating.
  8. I pretty much wasted my seal and crux chest too. Guess i shouldnt complain about the chest too much though, it was free. But dat seal tho...
  9. Update 10/30 @ 1:15PM PDT

    The lag and connection issues experienced both early this morning as well as yesterday morning appear to be the result of a Denial of Service attack aimed at one of the datacenters that is used to host Kingdoms at War. This attack was not directed at us, but rather another customer of the datacenter. We're currently in talks with the datacenter to ensure this is handled properly and have been assured they are working on the issue.

    While things seem to for the most part be resolved at this time, we're going to continue to monitor the situation to ensure that the issue is fully resolved. Only once we're certain that things have been resolved will we move forward with determining the appropriate compensation.
  10. Whoot whoot
  11. I demand to be BC as compensation. Its only fair as I basically lost on nothing since I barely play your crap game anymore.
  12. Track them and throw 'em in jail. As I recall, DDoSing is illegal.
  13. You better be giving another chest out I was kick off kaw giving a brief.
  14. Yeah so much lag my items went ffa 
  15. Alright alright..... If you must compensate me for the grief, I agree to be a moderator now
  16. Damn guys calm down it's not their fault and they already said that they would look at appropriate compensation after they are sure it's over.

    You should just lock your threads after posting them. There is no use to have them open, just a bunch of people whining about nothing or no reason.