Sorry that was accident. I bet the next update will be the pots they released and then took off market a day later. If that counts lol
The so called gap will always be there many ppl want to just stay small or dont play enough to grow,if theres no goals for the ppl that want to grow then the same can be said for those they will quit.Every app has a gap its up to the individuals what they want to do to overcome it,when i started there was a gap but i wanted to close it and with all these plunder bonuses and BR's its way easier than when i started playing.
Id be willing to bet also that the devs keep the crux chest They make both xstal and seal money off them Im just curious if it stays as randomly given to us by devs Or if we will b able to start buying w nobs or drop like seals
New lands at or around the new year. Probably towards end of January or week after another black Friday sale.
My problem with this thread is it asks the wrong question. Its asking "when will the next building/land update be?" The real question should be "do you WANT building upgrades or new lands?"
So we the average player? No? Do the lb players and others that are BC sitting in hte clans and lb eb clans? Yes. Guess where the money talks for atas bottom line. That's why they will be introduced regardless if the majority doesn't want it and will be pissed. Money talks,we seen that with the reintroduction of round wars.
Please no more new buildings and lands. The small already struggle to catch up. I believe that increasing can max as often as we have been this last 2 years only drives the gap between lb and big to grow larger... Let's not even talk about what new players would have to do to achieve a competitive build at this point in time.
That wasn't the point at all. The point was to illustrate how they cater to the lb/big spenders even if it means adding something the vast majority of the community does not want.
because the added cs makes me more plunder. as active as any new player is will never ever catch me unless I happen to quit for like a year or two while said player xystls the and figures out how to ally trade. This is because of the difference in plunder my build already grants. Same thing with lb Vs bigger players - really really hard to catch up when every time you get sizeable but around let's say 10t... You have to spend half on new buildings every 4 months instead of trading allies where tons of money can be made xD
The gap that's being created by adding new lands and buildings genuinely worries me because of how impossible it can look to new players. New players having hope to catch up is a good thing. I like this game but I can defo see it failing if this cycle continues at this pace
The so called gap looked the same when i first downloaded KAW and played,sure ive used xtals the same as most ppl who play and its the same as all apps.But do you stall and stagnate the game to allow everyone to catch up considering how many dropped builds to war,new lands and buildings are a natural progression of the game.Those who wish to grow will i made a alt 5 months ago and its now just shy of 15mil cs so growth can happen.Also ive never sat in HTE or RotWB clans ive always aimed for the higher EBs as a challenge.
Yea but that's a relatively easy size to grow to. Its when you hit about 18-20m cs depending in your build that really really slows down when you start needing 250b an upgrade. The gap as it is between those bigger miss and the bcs that are 30ish-40ish million cs depending on if hansels or attack. At that point you really need to spend to go up towards them. Now if they add new lands and buildings the first 10 or so lands and lvl one buildings will be relatively affordable. The gap will still be there just at a different cs point.
How about in clan upgrades you can do as owner of a clan like purchase more clans slots for friends can fit perhaps mercs can squeeze in for harder ebs to complete lets say pay 30B for ten more slots added to clans so that would make it 110 Next 50b for another 10slots so on and so forth. That would be a nice change.