Even if everyone voted his ass off kaw he'd still be here. This is just a attention seeking cry for pity.
10 stays, 9 leaves so far. To help in Kingdom of Heaven's update. New votes will be counted after this reply.
Yeah, I felt that a little bit. The challenge to help a fellow player is exciting! Above all, I am just helping out by giving a latest update for OP.
Stay. Everybody KaW, you don't wanna stand out and be productive when everybody else is Kawing their hearts out.
This has got to be the lamest attention seeking forum thread I've ever seen. Quit, stay, nobody really cares.. Not even sure why I wasted my time posting this.... :/
I'm not really a serious kind of person, but I feel a serious answer is needed here. Dude, quit by your own choice. It doesn't matter how many people like or don't like you, screw people. If you enjoy the game, continue, else quit and find something you do enjoy.