I can't help but here ... You seem to b supplying all ss in your favour .....you shouldn't have been let back in in 1st place..
Obviously they were angry at you prior to this. So no. That's not where it started. No one starts being angry at someone they've never met. You complained about not getting your pass? You got it didn't you? People don't have to be at your beck and call. You join a clan, you go with what they do. You don't like it, you leave. Simple as that.
These SS.. just lead to further questions..... Did they already kick you before for something else that happened? And you weren't even suppose to BE THERE?
this is the whole convo jaeger how is it in my favor? i didint skip part look the last and first message of each ss WHOLE CONVO how is it in my favor lovely?
U wasnt let back in cause of that , ive been out a few days and didnt know u wasnt allow in and u had angel pm asking behind the ones that knew
el_cod she dont want those days she gave me that seal for my bday the 18 october a little gift and invictus castra scam it BESIDE i have a witnesses that can tell u that this is how it started she was there and its angel herself she dont wanna pick side but she can tell u they came at me without reason
This explains this situation, but the admins may have been mad at momo for a past situation. I feel that the clan shouldn't have been hostile right away until they knew what was going on and why momo was there. On the other hand, earlier you said it was 10 minutes between asking. As here it only shows a 3min. gap between asking to be updated.
Not sure if I should be here, but I just want to point out that some of the timestamps on those SS are off...
even this morning red i asked to seal again and dali said YES he putted me on Q will u deny this u were there RED
i said around 10min beginner i wasnt sure about the amount of time also 3 or 10 min is the same i got insulted without reasons no one was hostile in cc before that as the ss show it
It doesn't matter if she raged. They have angel those days. They do not have any obligation now. They were rude? Do not go back there! No clan has an obligation to take you in. Especially if they owe you nothing.
Dude just quit bitching before I just strip farm you and be done with it. Jfc. Get off forums. I dont speak for IC so Im allowed to say this without tarnishing their rep. If you do not lock this bs thread within 24hrs, I will personally farm you for no other reason thab bc you sound like a whiny, annoying pos. Support IC for kicking his annoying ass
el_cid they owe me the days of the seal since it was for me beside THEY HAD NO REASON TO INSULT ASK ANGEL IF YOU NEED I SAID IT TWICE also ss show how angel react she is like "WTH" and ask me to pm her since they are irrespectful without reason she even say "really guys" they had absolutely 0 reason for that