couldnt show these ss cuz first i have over 3000 ss in my ipod (ss freak i know bad habit) second is cuz im not the one doing them i said it earlier i give them to someone he go on photobucket and send me the link so i can post them myself so he stay anonymous
@on1, personally I don't think so, I think it was a seal by a friend, but I can neither confirm not deny if.
If management agreed to accept a third party's seal and treat it as if op had sealed then it's like op himself dropped it.
it was a friend that sealed for me i bought seal from her thats what imma show u in the 9 ss i ca show its my seal with angel and it show the whole convo
An admin of IC confirmed it was a friend as an ss he has also solidifies the proof of. I deleted the wall post as i do with most, but i am sure you can ask the owner/any admin and they will confirm this.
I would like to refer you all to the clan page of IC. As with any clan they have rules. One rule says to respect other members. And the last rule says you can be kicked if you don't follow those rules. And by entering ANY clan, you agree to abide by their rules.
Wait wait wait... So your friend Angel sealed for you.. and stayed? And you also stayed? So two for one?
Op if you did not drop seal than there is nothing to complain about tbh it's their clan and if you didn't drop seal they do not have to respect you, take crap from you or even have to post on your thread. For whatever reason it's there clan owners/admins have the right to choose to have you in the clan or not. I'd understand if you dropped the seal I'd tell them to just suck it up and let you have your 7 day past and rid you of there clan but you have not. Stop the whining OP find another clan to drop seal into
no she sealed before for herself she have until the 13 jan as a pass yoshihiko and yes i show the ss of them acknowledging that it was MY seal so proving also that jaeger is lying up there
ON1 i sealed i show u ss i wait for my friend to do them -_- he take long imma find someone else to do it so i have them faster hold on sorry for delay
If your friend got the days for that seal then case closed. Why are you trying to put a blemish on their record?
I recall a couple days ago, when I first met you in cc, that you were saying some pretty rude and inappropriate things to a lady there. From an outside perspective, she was being as nice as she could without telling you to shut the **** up, which is what I would have done had I the right. In my opinion it doesn't matter if you drop a seal or not. It does not entitle you to be a douche to any other members of the clan, especially admin/owner. They have every right to kick anyone from their clan they see fit if they're causing a disturbance. Any clan would do the same thing.
On page 7 is proof that the person who sealed for OP got the days. OP claims he bought it but there is no proof of that.
CA say she seal for me ALSO show i simply asked for my pass then being asked if i got dropped as a baby??? that was uncalled for lmao all this being insulted by admins in cc cuz i asked my pass THIS IS HOW IT ALL STARTED then admins came at me like this every days of my pass 3 ****ing days being insulted without reasons and now they scam the seal cuz i answer back to their uncalled insult