Just to clarify, I am on no ones side. I just enjoy drama. But if I had to pick. I kind of know Inferno. Also, that post on my wall, Op. I really don't care. I just want to make sure that when providing evidence. You don't look like a complete idiot
Was in IC awhile back around time of dragon eggs,I think. Never seen owner nor admins talking crap or disrespect anyone. Was probably the best ran hte clan I visited with no down time or rotwb stop gaps. There's plenty of hte clans to ***** about. This ain't one of them, imo.
I got 220m to pay a hitman to break IC lmao I dont know them but how many day pass you give for closed items
my ipod doesnt support photo bucket someone offered to post ss for me so wait for it guys and the ss bout shuts was right before they kicked me they were all ganging up insulting me so i answered i have ss of it all too so if someone want to see the ss and post follow me i have ss of them making racist homophobic comment etc thats why i answered with the bend over and in bed with someone else than u part i have it all in ss follow if u want them or even if u wanna post them as a third party
say the guy not following me xD i said it i show them on line just follow me and ask lol and someone will post them i sended them to him so he will post as third party (he got no business in this he is simply helping)
You actually waited to kick this guy.... Lol I would've done it at the first sign if ignorance, but y'all know I absolutely love giving the boot. This jack probably observed a bit of smack talk amongst friends as most of us do, but due to his possible super low self esteem, took it all way to personal... Or maybe his panties were a bit bunched atm.. Lol I.C. Is one of the few respectable we'll run hte clans out there! Nutz has spoken, Nuff said! Now be gone with you op!