7 Second Myth NSFW.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Run, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. The belief persists that a new sexual thought enters the male mind every seven seconds. While this statement is commonly mentioned, where science is concerned, it has no factual basis.  

    Many people point to Alfred Kinsey as the origin of this "fact," but even he didn't get that specific. Kinsey concluded in one study that 97% of men thought about sex between a few times a day and a few times per month, with 54% falling into the daily category. While we can debate whether men are more sexually driven than women, the "seven-second" rule is pure fiction.

    What are your views? Do YOU believe in this myth? Discuss.
  2. 7 seconds is most likely is based an overall estimate
  3. Ummmm.... From what Ive seen it's true.

    What's this for?
  4. I believed that mens likes ***
  5. I was trying to see peoples view. I can break that myth's record when im with a girl Im really sexually attracted to 1 second per thoughts. Hmph. Or am I crazy hmm
  6. You're getting a little excited, OP.
  7. Yep op is correct
  8. Well by what you say OP it must be correct, or people just have those kind of minds.
  9. This thread is sticky. :lol:
  10. Thorn is sticky
  11. I was secretly trying to find out if anyone thinks like me hue. Im sane phew.
  12. Sometimes, we all get a little excite everyday
  13. You last 7 seconds? Damn brah 
  14. I was sitting behind this girl in class.
    She bended her back over whilst sitting on her chair and gazed her eyes on me. She gave me a smile that only god would know how beautiful it was. Her curvy hair twirled in harmony. Her gaze penetrating thru my soul. Dang girls and their seductiveness. And for the next few periods or so dang. Thoughts that came to mah mind waz overwhelmin' dang mah hormones. I've been attached many times, it all started from such thoughts.. Ik its not a good foundation for such relationships but dang... can't control ma self.

    welp enuf of mah storehs
  15. This is KAW, ask this stuff to real people, not the robots playing this game.
  16. There are some people that if I so much as look at I almost freaking pass out.
  17. You sound like you came from pimd. And 7 seconds? No wonder your girl isn't satisfied.
  18. No this is totally fake lol
  19. 7 seconds would only apply if you're a teenager drowning in your own testosterone.
  20. Yeah, I'd have to agree that the teen years and hormones are vastly responsible for this myth.

    As a grown man, I can honestly say making love is alright, but it doesn't take up my every thought.

    More like 5% of my daily life, if that.

    Then again I work almost all day so, who knows, I might just keep myself busy that way.

    Pretty sure most men aren't that horny though. Unless they've never had any, or are nymphomaniacs, no, its not nearly that often.
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