1. You can't fix the inactive, once someone is inactive you have to deal with it. Any suggestion you place wouldn't fix it due to people abusing your new feature so everyone is inactive right up to the last 5mins. Also once someone is inactive they put the clan as a whole at a disadvantage by being one less. Which I add is the main reason inactives destroy wars, they don't leak only ps and people avoid inactives when hitting the other clan so nice to see you have a great knowledge there. 2. It's harder to match builds evenly, harder again for devs to manually sort every member into a clan, that's why it's total cs and equipment n allies not build. 3. Devs are always fixing bugs as new ones pop up, didn't see any game ruining bugs while indi war though... 4. The more slots for war, the more stress you put on the server, yes devs can change the time for for indi wars but I'm guess that's when they have server maintenance so unless you love your game suggest ways instead if demanding changes. 5. No just no, why would you even suggest that, only people who have put the effort should get rewards. (Btw it's lvl 1 you numb skull) 6. You can tell who self knocked out and who got knocked out by just looking at how much they lost and the fact it stats the person that knocked them out... It is also round about 50% chance at sko and ko less if more people as well. 7. You can already tell who's inactive already by the successful action count. The biggest problem which you have completely missed, which is amazing in fact considering you decided to write huge amounts of text is the plunder per hit radio problem... plunder is currently based off stats alone. This is absolutely a dumb ass old out dated plunder system. The current plunder system is the reason why SH and gh are major pain in the butts with anyone who isn't one. So a fix would be to remake the plunder system as a new, where it incorporates the following into plunder gained: Overall stats plus Ally stats plus Equipment stat Nice try but some of ideas you have wouldn't make much of a difference and be next to useless, only making kaw more laggy than it needs to be. There's more things I could off poked a stick at as well but I couldn't be assed writing any more
1) The inactive issue can be fixed. There are many other threads out there trying to fix the inactive issue in Season 4 Indy Wars. 2) It might seem hard but the ones whom truly suffer are the ones that end up with mismatches. 3) There are bugs out there, but have noticed that the bugs have been fixing some of them. 4) If there were any server maintenance the developers would have stated that as a reason for not putting Season 4 Wars at a later schedule. 5) Seriously how ignorant can one really be. Why you ask? EVERYONE whom warred put effort into the war. More to those of us whom nearly warred in every Indy War slot available. Also, really numb skull? Equipment is available at level 0. Next time bother looking instead of commenting a false statement. 6) This sko would be shown next to knock-out given and knock-outs received. 7) You do know that a player can give Unsuccessful actions to a player, rite? Please bother to read the thread thoroughly and not just make comments just to make some. Side Note: Everyone whom warred put all there effort into the war. Most of all those whom warred through all the wars they were able to war in.
There are ppl who are prime targets. They bound to get more koed as more opp players on them. A good wc with a decent tracker , good xtal groups, and it's call timings can win you a war with 1-2 inactive members. Plus that includes the flip f a coin. At times u r on receiving end , at times the other way. Stop complaining. Fight with honour and dignity.
1. Point any out that have been useful or implemented. Only way that's been successful is a war ban 2. Again still no solution, also it would make it next to impossible to get evenly match teams and possibility start seeing some people left out in the cold. I'd rather war and lose than not war at all 3. If you have noticed they have been fixed why are you complaining about them? There's a funny thing about bugs Bug pop up Players find them and report to devs Devs fix them. 4. Then you expect there to be 24 / 7 ? With only 1-2 hour slot gap in between each. There's a obvious reason why devs have that missing time slot. 5. So what you want everyone to have equipment? I can tell you have no concept of value otherwise you wouldn't have suggested it. Players who get top should only get rewards unless you're willing to put 110% into it then you don't deserve it. 6. Give one good reason why it should then. Oh btw unless you have any knowledge on a server, don't suggest useless ideas. The more things you have the more laggy, slow and unusable it becomes. 7. If a player doesn't get more than 1-5 successful actions it's a pretty dam obvious they are inactive. That or they shouldn't war at all. 8. I did and I thought you are a whining noob complaining that you didn't win as much indi wars that you wanted
No support, just cause you had a bad season doesn't mean kaw should change there whole war set up and rewards method for you
...i'm not even gonna bother comment, anyway is useless, no one will bother... they never do! this thread will end up like many other... People... stop losing time of your life writing pages of threads that will have same ending... forgotten!!! Just enjoy more of RL, and play this game AS IT IS for fun and nothing more!!! that's all! Just my opinion! Good day to all!
No support. Every season is something new and different. Stop trying to milk them. I got 100 medals done 3/4ths of them Indy. If you don't like the way it's set up then you wc. Your probably another one of them people who sit back wait for all the work to be done then participate without putting in any effort at all to earn that medal. The inactive part I agree with but getting medals for losing wars cause you suck is not my problem nor should it be he developers problem. 80 percent of these Indy wars are based on not having a wc or tracker. The more you step up to help fill one of the roles the easier it is to win the war that you wouldn't believe you would have won at first glance.
Look you all have to missing the main reason, if you read or read the thread already. You would encounter yourself with inactives being mentioned through out the thread. Was this Season fun? Yes it was for the first week or so when there were no inactives in war. Put it this way, inactives are hurting wars in an enormous way. If it werent for inactives wars would be enjoyable. For example, lost a few wars because in which there were no inactives and was fine with that. Now, the other wars that were mostly lost were because of inactives and it aint fun Crystalling putting all the effort available into war and losing at the end because of that inactive.